| - Torakk bears the common features of an orc warrior - bright green skin, massive and brutish looking body. His eyes are easy to notice as they contrast with all the other, wilder parts of his body, and clearly speak of his young age - deep and blue, uncommon for the orcs of older generations. His hair is long and untamed, with the shade of violet, usually kept tied in a topknot. Several old scars mark his face on his cheeks and below his right eye. His chin is dark, covered by a short black beard.
| - Torakk bears the common features of an orc warrior - bright green skin, massive and brutish looking body. His eyes are easy to notice as they contrast with all the other, wilder parts of his body, and clearly speak of his young age - deep and blue, uncommon for the orcs of older generations. His hair is long and untamed, with the shade of violet, usually kept tied in a topknot. Several old scars mark his face on his cheeks and below his right eye. His chin is dark, covered by a short black beard. Due to his ways in Beast Mastery, Torakk has acquired some very feral features. His nails have grown longer and claw-like and his tusks are larger than those of most orcs. The look in his eyes has become one of a predator, often narrowed as if constantly observing his surroundings. His nose wrinkles in a wolf's manner whenever he sniffs the air around him. He walks with the agility of a lynx. Slight growling can be noted in his intonation as he speaks. Torakk's usuall attire consists of leather armour, one or two battle axes and a longbow, strapped to his back over his long leather cloak as well as a harpy-hide quiver. He also tends to wear a beast mask covered with red markings of war. His clan colours stand proudly upon his chest, ornamented with various medals and marks of honour, bearing the signs of different chieftains and war leaders, such as Hellscream, Thrall, Cairne Bloodhoof. His own signs are carved on several draconic scales of various colours and different beast fangs, all hanging from his necklace.