| - Like, Aquarius isn't the same as his fellow Quintessons, man. While the rest of his race harp on great care in dealing with other races, Aquarius moves to the beat of a different drum, you dig? He loves to explore other races and cultures; the years of study and meticulous guidance of a planet's culture and spirituality that normal Quintesson protocol insists upon just isn't his bag. Aquarius wants to share enlightenment with other species through righteous hands-on interaction, and he's gotta do what his heart wants, even if the Man ain't copacetic with it.
| - Like, Aquarius isn't the same as his fellow Quintessons, man. While the rest of his race harp on great care in dealing with other races, Aquarius moves to the beat of a different drum, you dig? He loves to explore other races and cultures; the years of study and meticulous guidance of a planet's culture and spirituality that normal Quintesson protocol insists upon just isn't his bag. Aquarius wants to share enlightenment with other species through righteous hands-on interaction, and he's gotta do what his heart wants, even if the Man ain't copacetic with it. Aquarius is a strange kinda cat, possessing a consciousness that's been split into five distinct and independent, yet highly co-operative personalities: Joy, Compassion, Peace, Love and Satisfaction. He's got some pretty far-out powers to go along with them, too, including teleportation, the projection of trippy telepathic visions and illusions, and the ability to groove on the language of 98% of all known species. To use his powers to the fullest, though, he's gotta be feelin' good vibrations; bad karma can seriously harsh his mellow, y'know?