| - Teletran-1 is a relatively small (by Transformers standards) repair/maintenance vessel under the command of Optimus Prime. It is actually the body of the fallen Great War hero Omega Supreme, though this fact is rarely spoken of directly. Its history doesn't seem to be a secret, but its crew generally refrains from saying more than that it "was once a military vessel." Teletran-1 has a crew of five, including its captain, and its systems are managed by a female-voiced artificial intelligence which is also addressed as "Teletran-1." The ship's equipment includes a set of six emergency stasis pods, an extendable boarding/docking tube, and a pair of large manipulator arms that emerge from roof panels and are controlled manually from the bridge. While it also possesses some offensive weaponry, these systems were disabled when it was turned into a repair ship. Its navigation protocols include automatic course-correction for navigating through obstructions such as asteroid fields. It is also meant to have an emergency defense system codenamed "Omega," but in the interests of conserving energon, said system is currently disabled. However, it still has active sensors for detecting unwanted or unauthorized invasion by foreign objects. Note: The ship's name is ambiguous in the cartoon. When characters speak to its AI, they call it "Teletran-1," but traditionally that name has referred to computers and specifically NOT the ship (or other structure) the computers happen to be in. However, the comic adaptation of the Animated cartoon clearly refers to the whole ship as "Teletran-1."