| - Attributes used for World Map objects(only one attribute for object) discovery(highest value for all party members):luckawarenessintelligence Radar Radius = 20 + highestOutdoorsmanSkill*2 + highestPerceptionSkill*2 Scripted Attribute Checks(highest value for all party members)(6+ mean >=6):no checksno checksno checks8+ 1(Radio Tower: Raider("Dog" button) - Shrine & peace)6+ 2(Temple of Titan: Howdi, Angel Oracle: Osmond - alt dlg text for Ventilators quest)4+ 1 (Rail Nomads Camp: Gorkinovich)no checks3+ 1(Ag Center: for Tip)8+ 2 (Darwin Village:Jan - Shrine location, Canyon of Titan:Jill - Shrine location)6+ 3 (Radio Tower: Raider("Break" button) - Shrine & peace,Cerritos: Cow Quest: in case you is not return all cows you still get Smart Ass Skill Book, RandomVender2: Shrine location ("Visited" button)) 4+ 3(Rail Nomads Camp: Mr. Holliday for Kiss Ass Skill Book,CA19Woman for Shrine,Angel Oracle: Lindy Lou(checked on first met): extra reward(Rodia Ticket) for Ventilators quest(only for getero-party))3+ 2(Angel Oracle: Guard Llewelyn - "Execution" quest, RandomVender2: extra dlg text - "Visited" button) Scripted Attribute checks(selected char in dlg OR first char in party):no checksno checksno checksno checksno checks11+ 1 (Damonta: Tinker Computer - extra text on "examine")4+ 1 (Rail Nomads Camp: Gorkinovich)6+ 4(Temple of Titan: Br. Maidstone,Angel Oracle: Dentist Bill - alt dlg text, Angel Oracle: Lindy Lou(checked on first met): alt dlg text for gomo-party, Angel Oracle: Osmond: discount(for male) on first met)4+ 1(Angel Oracle: Tori Robbinson - alt dlg text for "Execution" quest)3+ 2(Temple of Titan: Br. Roy, Angel Oracle: Dentist Bill - alt dlg text)