| - Continued from last issue... Batman, Metamorpho, Black Lightning, and Lucius Fox are the prisoner of Baron Bedlam, who is seeking to reclaim the nation of Markovia after his family was ousted from power after the Nazi's lost World War II. Leaving his prisoners to aquire similar powers from Dr. Jace as she gave Markovian co-ruler Geoforce, the heroes manage to pool their resources and break free of their imprisonment.
They then meet up with Katana, Halo and Geo-Force and work togeather to stop Brother Bedlam's army, while Metamorpho rescues Dr. Jace. Geoforce goes up against Baron Bedlam alone and easily defeats the villain, throwing him to the pesants of Markovia for suitable punishment.
With the battle won, Batman offers the group to return to with him to find new purpose and work togeather as a team, and thus the Outsiders are born.