| - Wen did illeracy happened? Historyists wuz like conversating and they wuz like "gee cavemens people didn't reed". WTFLOL they where raight! Rly! LMAO! 4Rly, cavemens didn't read cuz they didn't has alphabits (lol like da cereals lol). They wuz stupid neondertels and dats y Gecko Lizard insurance peoples wuz having their in the commerciels cuz they wuz so dumb lol "they can even do this!" lol. am i rite? Then in da midel age times, only the Popes knewed how to reed; and the Kings. All the peasents wuz like "wtf i half to herd these sheeps and the king people wuz like not trying to do anything but make taxes, am i rite"? lol dey WAS rite! lol nubs. LERN2PICK TURNEPS. Its they're faults 4 knot gotten an educatien and harding there nub sheeps. lol stuped serfs; traydeng there civel rites 4 "protecshen" 4rm huns and stuped goths. ROFL. There gay. In the reneisince a lot of peoples from they're populatien wuz lerning to read everyday. Actuely, that wuz en EXEGGARETIEN LOL! They wuz lerning even as faster then that! Thets not even a jokes haha! Fast forwerd to the Britesh Imperialesm. Ha. They wuz had so much control of native americants lol cants and Hindus people (both types of indiens) that they were the ruling class and didn't teach the other peoples how to b reading this hole time. Especially not the american ones cause they rly through their tea off a boat, so the Britesh got madder and totelly kiled them and put all of there stuped nubs in a casino. Lol. gg. Before the Americen CIVEL WARS, Abrehems Lincon wusnt their so he cannot did Nothing. So the nub Africen slabes wuz trying to reed but the white mens didnt let them cuz they would b abel to reed all the signs to go in the railrode to Caneda*. LOL! Yeh right Toby, go to ur cabin with you're uncle Tommy and b like "omgee i rly cannot read, wtf" DAWG. Sedly, the africens invanted all the musics so white people felt bad that they wusnt have any lerics so they finelly let their now how to reed since then. Nowdays, only chinese babyies thet make all my sneekers dont kno how to reed. LOL! Get a real job u idiet. Thats how illiteracy has develop. Stuped peasents and communests thet dont' now how to reed like peeple like I; who DOES know how 2 reed cause I wuz so smart cuz I had the chance to have a good grammar and educatien SO I DID! ROFLMAO! In ur face Homeboi! lolol