| - Komad awakened from a weary slumber aboard the cruiser. He had traveled many days without rest to reach it. He staggered from his bed and gazed outside. His heart leaped at the sight, Tatooine. It was just as he remembered it, it had been 6 galactic standard years since he had been here. He had left in search of his father, Karal long ago. He had found him but he was already dead killed by his prey a Tarentek which komad had only escaped narrowly by crawling through a small gap in the cavern wall. Now he came back to Anchor Head hoping to do as his father did and slay a mighty krayt dragon. He descended the exit ramp his lekku flicking with the familiar scents of his home world. His feet hit the sand running he headed with all speed toward Fazza's Lodge. The lodge door opened and Fazza Turned to see the entrant. "Komad! Komad Fortuna! your back we thought you were dead." "Yeah shame 'e isn't" spat a human maliciously from a corner of the room. "What? oh Tanis you droid obsessed slime ball still sending robots do hunt for you!" " What if I am tentacle head, last thing we need round here is more competition." "Stop I will not have people murdering each other on my lodge!!" yelled Faza. "Fine hammer head, don't think this is over Fortuna," hissed Tanis and stalked out of the room. "What's wrong with him." "He's angry because your back for the dragon, you see Komad, Venn's been planing to kill it from the moment you left but he needs help and your the only one brave or mad enough to go after it." "Aaaahhhh, actually I'm going to need some help with that tell me if any thing turns up." "Okay." Komad spent the next week or so collecting wraid plates to pay for armor, weapons and other equipment. He returned to faza's Lodge his pack full of wraid plates. He was selling them to Faza when the door opened and a man entered. something was strange about his he seemed different. He walked around the lodge stopping at each hunter and making inquiries about ancient treasure. A Historian? A Treasure Hunter? A Jedi?. The stranger approached Komad. "Hello may I ask you some questions." asked the stranger. The fact he had asked seemed a little odd to Komad seeing as the man was followed by a Wookiee and a Mandolorian both armed."yes" "Good, Have you seen a star map." "Hmmm star map cold you describe it?" "It's an ancient artifact of great dark side power." "Dark side so your a Jedi. No I am afraid I do not know of this star map but I shall inform you if I see such a thing." "Thank you" with this the Jedi left. A Jedi taught Komad this could be good news for me. They have great power enough perhaps to help with a Krayt dragon. But Jedi were not hunters they were a peaceful group but perhaps he could be persuaded. Komad settled on a plan he would try to find the star map before the Jedi then he could exchange it for the mans help. So he left Anchorhead to find the map. finding no sign of it in the immediate area he furthered his explorations in to the further reaches of the desert. In this part of the desert there were few people but many animals and sand people. Komad moved carefully to avoid the sand people detecting him. He passed by some Bantha and the occasional Wraid. He had scoured the desert for many days checking and rechecking areas. He came to the conclusion that his last hope was the cave in which dwelt the dragon. So, slightly down hearted he would not be able to secure the Jedi's aid he returned to the lodge. There Faza introduced him to Kel Matic a Czerka miner who wanted to start out hunting and Banis Madak a Duros hunter who had traveled from Hoth on the rumors of a dragon. As the only help he could get he reluctantly took Kel down to the caves. Komad explained his plan he and Kel were to wait here until Banis returned with some bantha fodder to lure the dragon out once it was out it would set of the mines Komad had laid around the entrance. "So why do you need me?" asked Kel "If the dragon doesn't die I"ll need all the help I can get." "Oh." They waited many hours. "I'm sick of waiting this is taking too long I'll get it out my self." cried Kel "No you'll be killed." "I'll be fine"called Kel as he ran into the mouth of the cave and shortly after the dragon. "nasty" commented a voice from behind. Komad turned. to his surprise it was the Jedi he met earlier. "Ah master Jedi we meet again." "So we do Komad I found my star map and you are going to help me procure it." "In there?" "In there." "Okay, but you must help me defeat the dragon." "Fair enough what would you have me do?" Komad explained the plan to the Jedi, he was impressed. The Jedi ran over to the banthas and began to lure them toward the gaping cave entrance. As the Jedi fled the beast emerged in a shower of fiery explosions as Komads mines detonated. it collapsed as it reached out for a bantha. The two wandered over to inspect the remains of their prey. From it the extracted two beautiful pearls. Komad thanked the Jedi and raced off to show the spoils of his expedition to Faza. He decided to remain on Tatooine no longer saddened that he could not amass enough help to fight it in a glorious battle and had slaughtered it in such a cowardly way. Having gained the respect of the hunters of Tatooine or what remained of them for The Gammoreans, Tanis and Ward Fizarkhad not been seen for days. He boarded passage on a luxury cruiser headed for the world of Kashyyyk.