Pee-wee doesn't get any mail, so he writes a letter to Captain Carl; when he tries to give it to Reba to deliver, Captain Carl comes over and Pee-wee gives him the letter and Captain Carl gives Pee-wee a telescope. Mrs. Steve confronts Randy for stealing her apples, and warns him not to do it again or she will turn him in to the cops. Randy plans to do it again until he gets a stomachache. Pee-wee becomes a fish for a little while. Pee-wee plays the four arms game with Tito. Pee-wee gives treats to the playhouse members
Pee-wee doesn't get any mail, so he writes a letter to Captain Carl; when he tries to give it to Reba to deliver, Captain Carl comes over and Pee-wee gives him the letter and Captain Carl gives Pee-wee a telescope. Mrs. Steve confronts Randy for stealing her apples, and warns him not to do it again or she will turn him in to the cops. Randy plans to do it again until he gets a stomachache. Pee-wee becomes a fish for a little while. Pee-wee plays the four arms game with Tito. Pee-wee gives treats to the playhouse members