The Invincible Iron Man is a fanfilm created by Max Carroll. The seventh entry into the Marvel Minimate Universe, as well as a direct sequel to the fanfilm, Iron Man, and the first installment into Phase 2, the film explores Tony Stark as he endures the praise and criticism of being the superhero Iron Man. Meanwhile, a Russian terrorist organization, V.O.S.T.R.O.M., challenges Stark using their armored champion, Titanium Man, to fight him to the death to see who is the better armored Avenger.
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| - The Invincible Iron Man (MMU film)
| - The Invincible Iron Man is a fanfilm created by Max Carroll. The seventh entry into the Marvel Minimate Universe, as well as a direct sequel to the fanfilm, Iron Man, and the first installment into Phase 2, the film explores Tony Stark as he endures the praise and criticism of being the superhero Iron Man. Meanwhile, a Russian terrorist organization, V.O.S.T.R.O.M., challenges Stark using their armored champion, Titanium Man, to fight him to the death to see who is the better armored Avenger.
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| - The Invincible Iron Man is a fanfilm created by Max Carroll. The seventh entry into the Marvel Minimate Universe, as well as a direct sequel to the fanfilm, Iron Man, and the first installment into Phase 2, the film explores Tony Stark as he endures the praise and criticism of being the superhero Iron Man. Meanwhile, a Russian terrorist organization, V.O.S.T.R.O.M., challenges Stark using their armored champion, Titanium Man, to fight him to the death to see who is the better armored Avenger.