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- Death Dealer is a Rogues Gallery Perk. __NoToC__
- Death Dealer is a mercenary that uses playing cards as his motif and employs these cards as weapons and as trick cards. After Oliver Queen is attacked mistakenly by the Death Dealer, a card-wielding criminal out to kill Wallace Hooper, he learns that Hooper is really Davy Chase, a former con artist and current all-night deejay. Hooper testified against his mob employers and was given a new identity via the Witness Relocation Program. But Queen and Hooper are trapped in separate rooms by the Death Dealer, who then uses incendiary cards to set those rooms on fire.
- Prerequisite: Rogue No Respite (11th level): Enemies adjacent to you take a −2 penalty to saving throws. Slaying Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you gain a +2 bonus to each damage die until the start of your next turn. Unfair Advantage (16th level): When you hit a bloodied foe with a melee attack, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Strength modifier or Charisma modifier (your choice).
- Death Dealers are Vampire warriors that were created to combat the growing spread of the Werewolves. The first incarnation of the Death Dealers came from the army of a Hungarian warlord named Viktor, after he was made a Vampire by the Progenitor of all Vampires, Marcus Corvinus. Because of this, the Death Dealers were loyal to Viktor, not Marcus. The Death Dealers fought the Vampire-Werewolf War and later the Vampire-Lycan War.
- Death Dealer only appeared on the cover of Cannonball Comics #1 as a foe to the Crash Kid, Thunderbrand, and Crime Crusader. Though the cover is not most likely meant to be taken literally, if interpreted as such the cover shows that this Death Dealer has captured the characters of Cannonball comics in his playing cards. It is unknown if he is truly an avatar of death or a man in costume.
- Many Card Sharps may see their cards as useful tools, but this goes one step beyond that. Cards can, when thrown by the right hands (or left hands), become a deadly weapon. How (and why) someone is using cards as a weapon varies: it can be some form of Applied Phlebotinum, Magic, control of Kinetic Energy, or even because the characters are just that good Or they're a Paper Master and that's just what happened to be on hand. Very often, overlaps with The Gambler, for obvious reasons. Not to be confused with a certain painting by Frank Frazetta. Examples of Death Dealer include: