By activating this feat the rogue can throw a smoke bomb that temporarily distracts the enemies immediately around him and provides the user enough cover to attempt to make an escape. The size of the area of effect and the Save DC are determined by the user's 'Sleight of Hand' skill and the Feat Rank. The rogue must have a smoke bomb in his backpack to use this feat. Activation of this feat, expends one use of the Natural Cunning Master Feat.
By activating this feat the rogue can throw a smoke bomb that temporarily distracts the enemies immediately around him and provides the user enough cover to attempt to make an escape. The size of the area of effect and the Save DC are determined by the user's 'Sleight of Hand' skill and the Feat Rank. At rank 5, this feat can be used instantly. The rogue must have a smoke bomb in his backpack to use this feat. Activation of this feat, expends one use of the Natural Cunning Master Feat.