| - Archiban Frodrick Kimble, better known as "Doc", was a Human male doctor who worked as a combat medic throughout the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, and later joined the crew of the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython as the Galactic War broke out between the two galactic powers. Born on the planet Ralltiir in 3670 BBY, Kimble attended Coruscant University's prestigious medical program on the Republic capital of Coruscant before graduating with high honors as a licensed xenopathologist. However, Kimble gave up the life of a doctor in the Core Worlds to bring medical care to the people of the Outer Rim, taking on the name "Doc" and traveling the galaxy for the next five years.
| - Archiban Frodrick Kimble, better known as "Doc", was a Human male doctor who worked as a combat medic throughout the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, and later joined the crew of the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython as the Galactic War broke out between the two galactic powers. Born on the planet Ralltiir in 3670 BBY, Kimble attended Coruscant University's prestigious medical program on the Republic capital of Coruscant before graduating with high honors as a licensed xenopathologist. However, Kimble gave up the life of a doctor in the Core Worlds to bring medical care to the people of the Outer Rim, taking on the name "Doc" and traveling the galaxy for the next five years. Doc's escapades often saw him leave a trail of jilted lovers and furious criminals in his wake as Doc took it upon himself to right wrongs when he saw them, though after an encounter with a trio of crime lords on the planet Little Kessel, Doc joined the Balmorran resistance as an unofficial member and worked as a doctor as the resistance fighters battled the Empire's occupation of the planet Balmorra. When the Jedi Knight known as the Hero of Tython came to Balmorra on a covert mission, Doc found himself helping the Knight and the Republic in securing a prototype cloaking device, and he decided to join the Jedi's crew when the Hero of Tython left Balmorra. Along with the Jedi's other allies, Doc aided the Hero's efforts to capture the Sith Emperor and then to prevent the Emperor from destroying the galaxy with a dark side ritual. After the Hero defeated the Emperor in a final battle, Doc and the other members of the Knight's crew were awarded the Cross of Glory, the Republic's highest honor.