| - The Union Coast Guard's major units include the Maritime Security and Law Enforcement Command (MSLEC) ,Marine Environmental Protection Command (MEPCOM), Maritime Safety Services Command (MSSC, and the Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC). Among the UCG's special units are the Coast Guard Fleet, Coast Guard Aviation Group, Coast Guard Special Operations Group, and the CG K-9 Unit. The UCG used to be under Union Army but is now fully under civilian authority within the Department of National Defense.The UCG is an armed and uniformed service primarily tasked with enforcing all applicable laws within the Arendalean waters, conducting maritime security operations, safeguarding of life and property at sea and protecting the marine environment and resources.Due to an increase in com
| - The Union Coast Guard's major units include the Maritime Security and Law Enforcement Command (MSLEC) ,Marine Environmental Protection Command (MEPCOM), Maritime Safety Services Command (MSSC, and the Coast Guard Education and Training Command (CGETC). Among the UCG's special units are the Coast Guard Fleet, Coast Guard Aviation Group, Coast Guard Special Operations Group, and the CG K-9 Unit. The UCG used to be under Union Army but is now fully under civilian authority within the Department of National Defense.The UCG is an armed and uniformed service primarily tasked with enforcing all applicable laws within the Arendalean waters, conducting maritime security operations, safeguarding of life and property at sea and protecting the marine environment and resources.Due to an increase in communist attacks, the UCG activated the Task Force Sea Marshals, a composite team from the UCG, Union Army and ANSF. These Sea Marshals ride on many passenger ferries traveling to and from Arendelle, and maintain a security presence aboard these ferries.