| - This was a thought experiment to generate a fictional world with real geography to allow mental experimentation with various political and economic problems. UPDATE I know there has been a lapse in time in which the Bellica Page has been used. Most of us are MIT students, as the fall semester started, it became hard to maintain. We contined to maintain and use the MUD but play became stagnant, because we could only use what was populated in the pages. As we have more tim US second and third generation Bellicans will continue to expand the world that a few consultants started. Thank you for all the e-mails! The Bellican Team- HATERS-- PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE. WE ARE A FEW LONLEY STUDENTS THAT ARE INTO ROLE PLAYING. YEAH WE ARE GEEKS, SO WHAT. WE ARE NOT HARMING YOU, BOTHERING YOU, OR DOING AN
| - This was a thought experiment to generate a fictional world with real geography to allow mental experimentation with various political and economic problems. UPDATE I know there has been a lapse in time in which the Bellica Page has been used. Most of us are MIT students, as the fall semester started, it became hard to maintain. We contined to maintain and use the MUD but play became stagnant, because we could only use what was populated in the pages. As we have more tim US second and third generation Bellicans will continue to expand the world that a few consultants started. Thank you for all the e-mails! The Bellican Team- HATERS-- PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE. WE ARE A FEW LONLEY STUDENTS THAT ARE INTO ROLE PLAYING. YEAH WE ARE GEEKS, SO WHAT. WE ARE NOT HARMING YOU, BOTHERING YOU, OR DOING ANYTHING WRONG. IF YOU HATE WHAT WE DID, OR YOU WE THE GUY OR GIRL THAT STARTED THIS PAGE AND DON'T LIKE WHAT WE DID, LET US KNOW,OR CONTRIBUTE WITH US. WHO EVER YOU ARE THE PAGE IS RICH WITH HISTORY,CULTURE,MILITARY,SOME OF IT IS FUN AND FUNNY AND OTHER PARTS ARE VERY INDEPTH. WE ALL LOVE IT. I AM A COMPUTER SCIENCE GRADUATE STUDENT. I AM IN A WHEEL CHAIR, MY SPINE WAS SEVERED BY FRIENDLY FIRE IN IRAQ IN 2003, I M IN SCHOOL ON VA REHAB, I DONT GET OUT MUCH SO THIS IS REALLY FUN FOR ME, AND ALL I ASK IS FOR YOU TO LEAVE THIS SITE ALONE. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE AND HAVE FUN IF YOU DONT LIKE WHAT WE ARE DOING, IF YOU DONT WANT TO DO THAT JUST MOVE ON, PLEASE DONT VANDALIZE. THANKS TO THE ORIGINAL BELLICA TEAM THANKS YOU FOR GIVING US THE RICH STORY TO PLAY WITH, IT IS AWESOME. ALL CREDIT DUE TO THE ORIGINAL BELLILCANS!!!