| - Anna: Namihime see anything? Namihime: Nope....All clear all over the sea as far as i can see. Benny: I smell a pun there! Zero: Your sure that ain't your breath? Benny: Hey! Idate: Yeah you need to brush your teeth someday dude.... Benny: Baka... Ayane: So plan? Takeshi: The usual I guess...Find Akuma Pirates kill them and move on. Zero: Or just find any scumbag thats looking for a fast burial and end them...... Ayane: So plan B? Michi: Yep! Wyatt: Seriously! Who said you could steer the ship this morning?! Drazil: Hey, come on. I don't need some guy I just met today telling me what I should and shouldn't do. Wyatt (angry): CUT IT OUT ALREADY!! YOU KNOW ME!! Drazil (cluelessly): ...Oh, hey there. You a stowaway? Wyatt (angrier): Nngh...! Tch...! Glory: Wait, you were steering the ship without my directions?! That's suicidal! Drazil: You worry too much, lil' sis. Let your awesome big brother take care of things. Glory (scared): I repeat!! THIS IS SUICIDAL!! Drazil: Ahh, little sisters... Glory: Why are you even steering the Jolly in the first place?! Wyatt (annnoyed): I've been asking him that all morning, but he keeps acting like he doesn't know me. Drazil: Isn't it obvious? I'm giving you and Timber a break for once. Glory: Wait, sir sleeps-a-lot is actually lending a hand? Drazil (insulted): Hmph, how rude. Guess you don't want to know what I found out about Spike recently. Glory: Wait, what did you find out?! Drazil (indifferently): Dunno, i'm too lazy to remember, right? Glory (desperately): W-What I meant to say was...! Uh, sir HELPS-a-lot! Yeah! That was it! Drazil: ... Glory: C'MON DRAZIL!! Drazil: Hmm, alright. I can't say no to my cute little sis after all. Lys: WILL YOU IDIOTS CLAM THE HELL UP ALREADY?!!! Drazil (playfully): Sure thing, sweetie!! Lys (grunting/mumbling): Dumbass... Drazil: Hm? What now? Chris (shocked): WAAAAAAAH~!! Wyatt: WAH?!! CHRIS, NO!! FLY!! USE YOUR ANGEL THING!! FLY!! FLY!!! Chris: Unnngh... What was that? Wyatt (angry): I TOLD YOU TO FLY INTO THE AIR, DOOFUS!! Timber: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!! Glory: OH CRAP!! A SEA STAG!! Wyatt: Again, WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!! Glory: It's something I learned about during the two years Chris and I were with the Red Hair Pirates!! These things are called sea stags!! Even though they look like sea kings, they're an entirely different species from them!! Thing is, they're more like locusts than beetles! They travel the seas in search of food, and when they come across a meal, they make short work in devouring it before moving on! Aphro (Male Form; scared): PLEASE TELL ME THEY'RE VEGETARIANS!! Wyatt: THEY EAT MEAT?!!! Glory: They're actually omnivores!! They eat both planty material AND meat!! The Red Hairs pointed out how dangerous they were, because they make a habit of attacking traveling ships, and eating everything on board! Both the ship and the crew! Wyatt, Aphro, Hope and Timber: THIS THING'S GONNA EAT THE ENTIRE SHIP?!! Spike (steely gaze): Bring it on then. I needed a good wake-up call. Chris (enthusiastically): Let's make it our new pet!! Glory: To reiterate Shanks... NO WAY!! Timber: Just leave it to me!! Timber: Jolly MK II, Battle Mode~!! Timber: Ultra Timber, in position!! Wyatt: Infinite Wyatt, in position!! Chris (excited): YEAH!! BEAT THE BUG!! Timber: OH NO YOU DON'T!! Wyatt: IF YOU'RE SO HUNGRY, THEN EAT THIS!! JOLLY BOMBARDMENT: THUNDER NET!! Chris: Our ship's as cool as ever!!! Awesome work you guys!!! Spike (smirking): That stupid insect had no idea who it was messing with. Hope: I'm just glad everyone's OK. I was scared half to death there. Aphro: What's wrong Ms. Glory? This is a wonderful occassion. We just survived nearly being eaten! Glory: It could just be nothing, but... Glory: It just seemed odd, considering how easy that was. Sakura: We've grown exceptionally powerful over time. Even the ship has improved exponentially. A simple sea monster has no chance fighting all of us together. Glory: Oh, I know that. Just... Only one? Lys (irritated): What do you mean "only one"? Glory (frightened): I KNEW IT!! IT'S A POD OF SEA STAGS!! Jollys except Glory, Sakura and Lys: A POD?!! Glory: Sea stags are actually rather social creatures! They get along well with one another, and live in families known as pods! That explains why it felt so out of place that only one would show up! Wyatt (angry): IS THERE ANY MORE YOU HAVEN'T TOLD US?!! Glory (sheepishly and worried): Well, for starters... While they don't normally do so, because they're actually hunted by sea kings, thus explaining the pod structure, they can be quite aggressive when it comes to food and the pod. There have been records of them going as far as attacking and ganging up on unwary sea kings when pushed. Sakura: So we effectively upset an entire family of creatures that have the guts to stand up to sea kings. This is looking rather dire. Glory (almost whining): That's the gist of it... Spike: You can freak out if you want, but I relish the thought of taking these monsters on. Sakura: I'm with Spike. I want to test myself against their carapaces. Hanuman (grinning): Hanuman thinking of making breakfast soon anyway. Want to know if sea stag taste good. Lys (disgusted): Ugh, i'm not eating that. Chris: You're going down, sea bugs!!! Zero: Hēilóng chī duòluò de shén (Black dragon eats the fallen god) Anna: Done? Zero: Yeah....Got a weird feeling about today.... Takeshi: Haki sensed something? Zero: Instinct.... Takeshi: Even worse.... Idate: Nah thats fun for me! Aya: Same.... Ayane: Well if this is the case i just gotta say this....Zhànzhēng hé sǐwáng de shén liánmǐn wǒmen de dírén! (May the gods of war and death have mercy for our enemies) Spike: Just one more to go. Who's turn is it again? Chris: Seriously!! Don't kill it this time! I want a pet! Lys: We already have three pets as it is! You should be satisfied enough! Drazil (amused): She means you, Spike. Spike: WHAT?!! YOU STILL CALLING ME SOME KIND OF LIZARD YOU GOTH-?!! Drazil: DRAZIL KICK!! Drazil: Fight the sea stag, not my beloved Lys, imbecile. Spike: D-Damn it... Drazil... Sakura: This is taking far too long. I will finish the beast. Chris (upset): MY PET!! Timber: I have this under control!! Glory (relieved): So glad that's over. Wyatt: Man, that was random. One moment, we were hanging out, and the next, WHAM! Sea stag! Hope: I wonder why it attacked us. Maybe it was hungry? Glory (angry): I GET IT NOW!! YOU WERE ALL MAKING A BUNCH OF NOISE!! THAT'S WHAT LURED THE SEA STAG HERE!! Jollys except Glory and Hanuman (flatly): Like you're doing now? Hanuman (in unison with the others): Like Glory doing now? Aphro (Female Form): <3 Oh Ms. Glory. You're so adorable when you're mad...! <3 Timber: Well, that was eventful. What next? Chris (pouting): Well if we had a pet, we could be thinking up cool names for it. Spike and Glory: Give it a rest! Glory: Look, like I told you guys last night, there's an island not too far from here. We should be coming up to it soon. If you're all still wound up from the sea stag attack, then you can let off some steam there, OK? But not before, so take it easy. Drazil: Fully noted. Sakura: How can I take it easy with you invading my personal space again? Lys (angry): GET OFF OF ME!! Glory (surprised): How is that taking it easy?!! Drazil (teasingly): I think you ladies need to relax way more then I do. Drazil: You're all so high-strong today. Glory (weary): Go steer the ship. Timber (nervous; sweatdrop): Aye-aye ma'am. Zero: Where off to Ayane? Ayane: Harem Island! Benny: Harem?!?!? Idate: Focus ya perv! Benny: Why wasn't i told? Zero: Info? Ayane: Island is sperated into two areas the women sectors who run the island and the male sectors who are the lower classes and are treated poorly in comparrison... Takeshi: Who leads the place? Ayane: Queen Noballs Anna: Odd name.... Idate: Sounds abit nuts to me.... Zero: Well nots head in half-cocked ok? If they don't like men we're kinda cocked....We got more men than women on this crew.