| - An Antibody is a chemical that is produced when a Creature's body becomes infected by bacteria. The Antobodies will eventually destroy the bacteria, but it does not stop the creature from getting the illness again. There are 9 Antibodies, and for everyone of them there is an Antigen.
- Proteins in the plasma produced by B cells and plasma cells in reaction to foreign substancess, or antigens on wheels.
- An antibody is a protein molecule used by the immune system to identify foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses for neutralization. In 2254 Dr. Phillip Boyce and Mr. Spock developed an antibody to vaccinate the USS Enterprise from a Ngultor virus which had infected the ship's systems. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")
- An antibody is a protein molecule produced by the immune system to mark foreign viruses and bacteria within the body, usually for attack. The presence of specific antibodies can be used to test for the presence, now or in the past, of specific viruses or bacteria. In 2270, Dr. Leonard McCoy discovered a cure for the Dramen plague using antibodies against the Saurian virus. (TAS: "Albatross") In 2371, The Doctor fashioned antibodies to Parinisti measles, hoping to create a vaccine. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")
- An antibody is a substance produced by lymphocytes in response to an antigen so that it may destroy or control it. Antibodies can neutralise antigens in a number of ways:
* initiating lysis, or disintegration, of the antigen
* neutralising bacterial toxins
* coating the antigen
* forming a complex to stimulate phagocytosis
* promoting agglutination
* preventing the antigen from adhering to host cells
| - An antibody is a substance produced by lymphocytes in response to an antigen so that it may destroy or control it. Antibodies can neutralise antigens in a number of ways:
* initiating lysis, or disintegration, of the antigen
* neutralising bacterial toxins
* coating the antigen
* forming a complex to stimulate phagocytosis
* promoting agglutination
* preventing the antigen from adhering to host cells Typical antigens attacked by antibodies are bacteria, viruses, parasites and dead cells. These types of foreign bodies always give rise to antibodies. However, the first time the body is exposed to an infection, it can take up to two weeks for antibodies to be synthesized. However, after the first infection, subsequent identical infections give rise to antibody production almost immediately. This is the mechanism that underlies vaccination. Unfortunately, antibodies will also attack transplanted tissue, believing it to be a foreign body. In addition, antibodies can also attack normal healthy tissue, leading to an Autoimmune disorder such as Lupus or Sepsis.
- An antibody is a protein molecule produced by the immune system to mark foreign viruses and bacteria within the body, usually for attack. The presence of specific antibodies can be used to test for the presence, now or in the past, of specific viruses or bacteria. In 2270, Dr. Leonard McCoy discovered a cure for the Dramen plague using antibodies against the Saurian virus. (TAS: "Albatross") During the 2350s and 2360s, experimental research at the Darwin Genetic Research Station resulted in a group of Human children having antibodies aggressive enough to destroy pathogens even before they could invade a Human body. These antibodies were lethal to Humans who lacked them, and all aboard the USS Lantree were killed in 2365 as a result of this. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection" ) In 2371, The Doctor fashioned antibodies to Parinisti measles, hoping to create a vaccine. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons") In 2373, Kes and The Doctor worked towards fashioning antibodies against Borg assimilation nanoprobes. (VOY: "Scorpion") In 2374, Annorax launched a temporal incursion intended to restore the Krenim Imperium to power, creating an alternate timeline wherein the Rilnar were destroyed by the Krenim before the Rilnar could introduce a vital antibody into the Krenim genome, resulting in a plague on the Krenim homeworld. (VOY: "Year of Hell")
- An Antibody is a chemical that is produced when a Creature's body becomes infected by bacteria. The Antobodies will eventually destroy the bacteria, but it does not stop the creature from getting the illness again. There are 9 Antibodies, and for everyone of them there is an Antigen.
- Proteins in the plasma produced by B cells and plasma cells in reaction to foreign substancess, or antigens on wheels.
- An antibody is a protein molecule used by the immune system to identify foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses for neutralization. In 2254 Dr. Phillip Boyce and Mr. Spock developed an antibody to vaccinate the USS Enterprise from a Ngultor virus which had infected the ship's systems. (EV comic: "Flesh of My Flesh")