| - Batman (sometimes referred to as The Bat-Man, The Caped Crusader, The Bat, The Dark Knight, The World's Greatest Detective, The Goddamn Batman, and The Adam West) is a legendary Pokemon and masked vigilante, known for his ability to knock criminals' heads together, use nifty Bat-Gadgets, solve mysteries using an amazing level of detective prowess and then dance around, which made him the stuff of legends, especially since he, unlike almost every superhero who ever lived, has no superpowers, much to the chagrin of various other superheroes, especially Aquaman. Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a wealthy industrialist, playboy, and philanthropist. Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train to perfection, dress up like a bat, and fight criminals at night. In 196
| - Batman (sometimes referred to as The Bat-Man, The Caped Crusader, The Bat, The Dark Knight, The World's Greatest Detective, The Goddamn Batman, and The Adam West) is a legendary Pokemon and masked vigilante, known for his ability to knock criminals' heads together, use nifty Bat-Gadgets, solve mysteries using an amazing level of detective prowess and then dance around, which made him the stuff of legends, especially since he, unlike almost every superhero who ever lived, has no superpowers, much to the chagrin of various other superheroes, especially Aquaman. Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne, a wealthy industrialist, playboy, and philanthropist. Witnessing the murder of his parents as a child leads him to train to perfection, dress up like a bat, and fight criminals at night. In 1966, Batman decided to go camping and he stayed camping for 20 years until Frank Miller talked him out of it. In fact most die hard Batman fans take the Miller oath to only talk about or write about the version of Batman after he stopped camping and never ever talk about Batman and camping or that Batman used to go camping at all. This is why Batman must be only written about as dark, gritty, ultra-violent, and never ever anything else that can be mistaken for camping. After that Batman was known as The Dark Knight, and even The Joker stopped camping thanks to Frank Miller as well, gone were the days of fighting a gang of 2 bit thugs on top of a giant type writer for some convoluted reason. In fact that surfing contest that Batman and The Joker had, never actually happened either, so don't bother mentioning it. Batman is skilled in every form of martial art known to humans. He has been known to hit an enemy so hard, that the sound of hitting the enemy creates a large word like "Ka-Pow" or "Wham" in the air. Batman is one of the few superheroes that can do that, and trained his sidekicks to do that as well. This is a form of martial arts named Batjutzu that Batman had invented.