| - The platform was built by the Terran Confederacy to house the few maintenance teams for automated mining sites on Char after the Guild Wars. During the Great War, it was infested by the zerg and used as an orbital nesting site and hatchery. During the Brood War, Sarah Kerrigan made the platform her base of operations, bringing Matriarch Raszagal there to use as leverage to get Dark Prelate Zeratul to kill the Overmind for her. However, Zeratul circumvented Kerrigan's defenses and rescued Raszagal just as Samir Duran finished relocating Kerrigan's primary hive clusters to the platform. A Terran Dominion fleet under Emperor Arcturus Mengsk, a protoss armada under Praetor Artanis and the remainder of the United Earth Directorate's expeditionary fleet under Admiral Gerard DuGalle converged on the platform but were all defeated by Kerrigan's forces. During the Battle of Char in the Second Great War, Char Aleph served as the nesting ground for 80% of Kerrigan's flying broods. Plot branch : The zerg's air support is destroyed (B canon) In order to take out the Zerg Swarm's ability to deploy flying units on their final approach, General Horace Warfield suggested to Jim Raynor that they destroy the platform. Due to the nature of the platform, surface detonations could not destroy it, and teams had to be sent to destroy the platform's coolant towers. Raynor and his forces moved on the platform, destroying the towers and causing sections of Char Aleph to melt down, destroying the nests burrowed inside. The attack succeeded, despite the arrival of a zerg battle group centered around a leviathan, and the platform was destroyed. Plot branch : Raynor's Raiders destroy the nydus network. (A canon) From Char Aleph, Kerrigan sent flying broods, including a leviathan toward the Terran Dominion battlegroup defending the Keystone. Plot option ends here