Położenie: Ofarrel Cutoff Road & 12th Street East, #: (89-4322) Menadżer: Aaron Wistrand : , slight >>>>>[This company has been cited countless times for polluting the local lake and aquifer with toxic waste. Though Bowman has made token attempts to clean up the mess, nothing has really changed. Several extremist environmental policlubs, led by the Moontraps, are threatening to assassinate company officials, blow up the factory, and even poison the food of the company's workers.]<<<<< -Nuyen Nick
Położenie: Ofarrel Cutoff Road & 12th Street East, #: (89-4322) Menadżer: Aaron Wistrand : , slight >>>>>[This company has been cited countless times for polluting the local lake and aquifer with toxic waste. Though Bowman has made token attempts to clean up the mess, nothing has really changed. Several extremist environmental policlubs, led by the Moontraps, are threatening to assassinate company officials, blow up the factory, and even poison the food of the company's workers.]<<<<< -Nuyen Nick >>>>>[Take one look at the belching smokestacks of this facility and understand why this company is an enemy to us all.]<<<<< -Tarlan Greenbough