| - The scroll of confuse monster will grant your melee attacks the ability to confuse your target, including having a failure chance when casting spells, moving erratically and possibly attacking adjacent targets to it (see monster confusion). An uncursed scroll will grant one additional use of this ability, while a blessed scroll will grant additional 2-8 uses. Additional readings of uncursed or blessed scrolls will grant additive uses, until 40 or more uses are stored, in which case either beatitude will only grant one additional use. Your attacks are subject to your target's monster magic resistance so your attack will not always confuse targets with magic resistance, but you can discharge a use whenever you hit. You will display the message "You are going to confuse monsters" upon enlight
| - The scroll of confuse monster will grant your melee attacks the ability to confuse your target, including having a failure chance when casting spells, moving erratically and possibly attacking adjacent targets to it (see monster confusion). An uncursed scroll will grant one additional use of this ability, while a blessed scroll will grant additional 2-8 uses. Additional readings of uncursed or blessed scrolls will grant additive uses, until 40 or more uses are stored, in which case either beatitude will only grant one additional use. Your attacks are subject to your target's monster magic resistance so your attack will not always confuse targets with magic resistance, but you can discharge a use whenever you hit. You will display the message "You are going to confuse monsters" upon enlightenment. If you read a cursed scroll of confuse monster, or a read an uncursed or cursed scroll while confused, you will instead be confused yourself for 1-100 (additional) turns. You will see the message "Your hands begin to glow purple" if the scroll is uncursed in this case, or no message at all if cursed. If you read a blessed scroll while confused, the scroll will instead remove any confusion that is affecting you. Reading this scroll of any beatitude, confused or not, while polymorphed into a monster form will instead confuse you for 1-100 (additional) turns. While in polymorphed forms without hands, you will not be able to apply the confuse monster effect to targets.