Attributes | Values |
| - Spellbreaker of the Ice Barrier
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supports archetypes
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fr name
| - Archimage de la Barrière de Glace
es lore
| - Una vez por turno, puedes mandar al Cementerio 1 monstruo "Barrera de Hielo" en tu mano. Si lo haces, no se pueden activar Cartas Mágicas hasta la End Phase de tu próximo turno, mientras esta carta esté boca arriba en el Campo.
el name
| - Θραύστρια Ξορκιών του Φράγματος απο Πάγο
Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
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it lore
| - Una volta per turno, puoi mandare 1 mostro "Barriera di Ghiaccio" dalla tua mano al Cimitero. Se lo fai, le Carte Magia non possono venire attivate fino alla End Phase del tuo prossimo turno, fino a quando questa carta rimane scoperta sul Terreno.
pt name
| - Disjuntordefeitiços da Barreira de Gelo
| - Once per turn, you can send 1 "Ice Barrier" monster from your hand to the Graveyard. If you do, Spell Cards cannot be activated until the End Phase of your next turn, as long as this card remains face-up on the field.
pt lore
| - Uma vez por turno, você pode enviar 1 monstro "Ice Barrier" da sua mão ao Cemitério. Se o fizer, enquanto esta carta estiver virada para cima no campo, nenhum jogador pode ativar Spell Cards até o fim da sua próxima End Phase.
it name
| - Spezzamagia della Barriera di Ghiaccio
trans name
| - Spell Sealing Team of the Ice Barrier
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| - Prevents activation of Spell Cards
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ko lore
| - 패에서 "빙결계"라는 이름이 붙은 몬스터 1장을 묘지로 보내고 발동한다. 이 카드가 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 한, 다음 자신의 턴의 엔드 페이즈시까지 서로 마법 카드를 발동할 수 없다. 이 효과는 1턴에 1번 밖에 발동할 수 없다.
de lore
| - Einmal pro Spielzug kannst du 1 „Eisbarriere“-Monster von deiner Hand auf den Friedhof legen. Falls du dies tust, können bis zur End Phase deines nächsten Spielzugs keine Zauberkarten aktiviert werden, solange diese Karte offen auf dem Spielfeld verbleibt.
ko name
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de name
| - Zauberbrecherin der Eisbarriere
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es name
| - Rompeconjuros de la Barrera de Hielo
fr lore
| - Une fois par tour, vous pouvez envoyer 1 monstre "Barrière de Glace" depuis votre main au Cimetière. Si vous le faites, les Cartes Magie ne peuvent pas être activées jusqu'à la End Phase de votre prochain tour, tant que cette carte est face recto sur le Terrain.
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effect types
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database id
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| - * Limited activations
* Female
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th name
| - กองผนึกเวทย์มนต์ แห่ง พรมแดนน้ำแข็ง
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Ja Name
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| - Sends from hand to Graveyard for cost