| - Jimmy Cuervo (also called Jimmy Crow) is an outcast as he killed an "Injun" he fell in love with a girl called Lily Ignites the Dawn, he was going to meet her at the scorpion exchange. Unfortunatley waiting there for him was War, Pestilence, Death, Famine and Lola Byrne a local Satanic cult. Along with Lily he was killed as he was dumped into a ditch. He never got to exchange his scorpions. The Crow brought him back. Jimmy then took Lily's body back to the exchange and started to track down the ones involved in the killing. He found Pestilence at a bar and he told him that they should be afraid, before killing him on a bug zapper leaving a smoldering crow sign behind. Next he went to the Rave-N Fest there he met with Luc and Lola and he beat Famine to death with a bat and that led to a discussion with Luc. He refused and Luc aimed at the Crow making Cuervo weak. War aimed at the people, but Cuervo stopped him from shooting a young boy. No scorpions were exchanged. He then went to the house, following Luc and Lola to the satanic base where they were going to get martied instead he was bummed whilst the , War and the Crow are fighting while inside the wedding is going on and on. Lola stabs Luc and he dies (or supposedly) when he comes back and kisses Lola he becomes possessed by Lucifer. Luc/Devil attacks the Crow and hoists him up on his cock then leaves to go to the sacred burial grounds to enforce the spell. They take the crow down, he gasps and gets up leaving the injured crow with the father of Lily who then does the crow dance after his son tells him that Lily believed in it. The crow dance is wild and he flaps his feathers to the rhythm they then after that did the YMCA and all got their arses kicked by homer and Bart Simpson Cuervo followed them to the grounds before the spell can be enforced and Luc goes to attack him and knocks him back Meanwhile at the satanic cult home the crow dance is still going on and on, while Cuervo is getting beaten up ,suddenly he is thrown down then the crow gets up and flies off with a flap of its wings, this is when Cuervo turns it around and begins beating up Luc. In the end he kills Luc while Lola is arrested, and he quotes the story of a creature eating its own heart and he goes back to Lily in the spiritworld and he is happy and leaves. The credits roll to the tune of a honky tonk piano.