| - The Floating Island consists of several locations and different ecosystems, each with its own wonders and secrets. All of the island's Zones are connected by a network of underground tunnels and Zoom Tubes that allow Knuckles to travel all over the island with ease.
- In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the EX S mission requirements are:
* Mission 1: Gummi ship must be a special model.
* Mission 2: Gummi ship must have at least four lock-on weapons.
* Mission 3: Teeny ships cannot be used.
- A Floating Island (sometimes referred to only as an Island) is a landmass in the World of Baten Kaitos that resides suspended in the Sky. These islands were raised into the Sky after the War of The Gods made the Earth uninhabitable as a way to preserve Humanity. The largest floating islands, the Five Great Nations, are held afloat by the End Magnus sealed within each. It's not known for sure how some of the lesser islands levitate, but convincing theories have been put forth.
- The Floating Island is a unique island biome in Subnautica. It is located towards the southwest of the Aurora. It is a large landmass completely supported by giant Floaters located underneath the Island. The Floating Island was the rendezvous point for of the Aurora. However, only two made it: Second Officer Keen, and CTO Yu. Keen left behind a signal for the rendezvous point at Lifepod 19.
- Floating Island to Travel Around Manhattan Island (nom complet) est une œuvre éphémère de Robert Smithson, produite initialement en 1970 Elle est constituée d'une barge de 10m sur 30m, empli de rochers et de terre, plantée d'arbres et de pelouses reproduisant fidèlement Central Park au cœur de Manhattan. Tirée par un petit remorqueur, la barge faisant lentement le tour de la presqu'île de Manhattan. Elle a été reproduite en 2005, à l'iniative de sa veuve Nancy Holt et du Whitney Museum
- The Floating Island (also known as Angel Island) is a large patch of earth that floats in the sky due to the magic of the Master Emerald. It is (poorly) guarded by Knuckles, a superpowered echidna.
- [[Category:Milk and cream Recipes [[Category:Egg white Recipes [[Category:Egg yolk Recipes [[Category:Lemon peel Recipes
- Floating islands exist in some locations around the globe. The latent magic within it's rock or in the area beneath hold it up in the air. They are typically at a height between 6,000 and 10,000 ft (1.8 to 3 km), but some get close to the surface.
- The Floating Island Blueprint requires these 14,130 blocks:
* 175 Iron Wall
* 178 Bog Water
* 22 Gas Lamp
* 7,066 Stone
* 23 Stone Fence
* 1,605 Stone Block Wall
* 392 Vines
* 235 Iron Fence
* 84 Stone Stairs
* 145 Coal Torch
* 255 Detritus
* 1,000 Grass Blocks
* 6 Blue Adobe Floor (Recipe Book)
* 17 Wood Wall
* 1,058 Bedrock Wall
* 224 Stone Path (Recipe Book)
* 20 Red Adobe Floor (Recipe Book)
* 20 Curl Iron Wall
* 1 Iron Table
* 2 Bedrock Door
* 6 Stacked Stone Wall
* 352 Reinforced Glass
* 109 Diamond Glass
* 63 Wildwood Flower
* 50 Wildwood
* 15 Limestone
* 52 Limestone Pedestal
* 12 Carved Limestone Wall
* 373 Wildwood Leaves
* 486 Blue Ad
- Despite its peaceful appearance, the island was loaded with death traps, although each trap was marked with a symbol, allowing anyone to avoid the traps if they recognized the pictures' significance in time. The ones seen included single large, deadfall rocks; triggered landslides; and a pitfall, and there may have been other varieties. Additionally, the obelisk in the center would fire an extremely potent energy blasts at anybody who used a weapon on the island, though it required a small amount of time charge up between shots. The tower could also unleash a swarm of smaller spheres of energy.