| - The Expressionist is a 2012 American Psychological Psychadelic Thriller film written and directed by Darren Aronofsky starring Andre Braugher, Leonardo DiCaprio, Anna Kendrick, Max Martini, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Paddy Considine, Jackie Sandler and Keith David. The film concerns a killer in Baltimore offing victims in accordance to the six universal emotions a sentinent creature can muster. The film marks yet another Oscar nomination picture of acclaimed director Aronofsky and was a commercial and critical success both theatrically and in general.
| - The Expressionist is a 2012 American Psychological Psychadelic Thriller film written and directed by Darren Aronofsky starring Andre Braugher, Leonardo DiCaprio, Anna Kendrick, Max Martini, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Paddy Considine, Jackie Sandler and Keith David. The film concerns a killer in Baltimore offing victims in accordance to the six universal emotions a sentinent creature can muster. The film marks yet another Oscar nomination picture of acclaimed director Aronofsky and was a commercial and critical success both theatrically and in general. It's praise put it on critic measure with such great neo-noir thriller films as Se7en. It was released theatrically on September 28th, 2012 and DVD and Blu-Ray January 11th, 2013. The film garnered Oscar nominations for Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor: Paddy Considine.