| - __INDEX__ thumb|250px Die Pacific Coast Academy (kurz PCA) ist ein Internat, der vor Beginn der Serie "Zoey 101" nur für Jungs zugelassen war. Seit Beginn der ersten Folge ist die Schule auch für Mädchen zugelassen. Auf der PCA gibt es nach Motorrädern aussehenden Fahrzeuge. Man nennt sie "Jet-X". Auf der Schule gibt es auch mobile Kaffeewagen und das Restaurant "Sushi Rox". In fast jeder Folge ist die PCA der Handlungsort. Kategorie:Orte (Zoey 101) Kategorie:Schauplätze
- Pacific Coast Academy (often shortened to PCA) is an educational institution that serves as the main setting of Zoey 101. It is where all of the main characters of the show attend. PCA is located in southern California. It was formerly an all-boys school, but sometime before the beginning of Season 1, the academy started accepting girls into the school, making it coed. It is a modern school, with brightly colored lounges, rooms, and many recreational activities. In the pilot episode, it is revealed that it has some of the best teachers in the country. Dean Rivers is the current head of PCA, and he's a former student at the school. It has Six halls for students to live in with more than one hundred rooms in each: Fulton Hall, Butler Hall, Dillard Hall, Brenner Hall, Maxwell Hall & Rigby Hall. It also includes the Harry Schneider Building, which houses the economics room, chemistry room, history room, math room, the housing office, and the Dean's office. The campus also has a cafe, a movie theater, a Japanese restaurant, and a number of coffee carts.