| - Grand Archon was the formal term used to describe the ruler of the Typhon System, as the Grand Archon was the chief-of-state of the Typhon Republic. The particular details of the Grand Archon's power are not known, but it can be assumed that his/hers power was limited by the existence of the Republic Congress, The Council of Elders, The Inquisitorial Committee, the Governance Council, and the position of Lord. It is known that it was an elected position, ans when a man or woman was elected as Grand Archon, they would drop their surname, and be simply known as Grand Archon John, for example. The prerequisites to being elected Grand Archon are unknown.
| - Grand Archon was the formal term used to describe the ruler of the Typhon System, as the Grand Archon was the chief-of-state of the Typhon Republic. The particular details of the Grand Archon's power are not known, but it can be assumed that his/hers power was limited by the existence of the Republic Congress, The Council of Elders, The Inquisitorial Committee, the Governance Council, and the position of Lord. It is known that it was an elected position, ans when a man or woman was elected as Grand Archon, they would drop their surname, and be simply known as Grand Archon John, for example. The prerequisites to being elected Grand Archon are unknown. For a time, the Grand Archon had executive power over all corporate entities in the republic, until that particular branch of the parliament split away, becoming the Typhon Eta Corporate Federation, and implementing the executive position Federate Chairman. The Grand Archon of the Typhon Republic resided in the Palace of the Grand Archon, an extravagant structure of immense size. The Grand Archon was a mysterious figure, hardly ever seen in person, for he/she spent the majority of his/her time in the Palace. But all Typh respected and trusted their monarch, due to his/her Council of Elders, who both advised the Grand Archon and carried out his will.