One of the legendary Heroes of Vegrholl, Xi'Nan Takuma (known simply as "Taku" to his close friends) was a powerful Psion and student of the School of Discipline. Despite his reserved nature, Xi'Nan was known to have a humorous streak, often playing small pranks on his teammates. He also acted as the party's voice of reason, mediating disputes between them, once being cited as the glue that held the party together during its most turbulent times. After their final, fateful battle with Azilack, Xi'Nan returned home to Romagon, where he wandered for some time. He was last seen to be scaling Mount Heiwa, to meditate where the Sages of Romagon once met to discuss the Sublime Mind. Although multiple attempts were made to find him, Xi'Nan seems to have disappeared on that pilgrimage. Stories tel
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| - One of the legendary Heroes of Vegrholl, Xi'Nan Takuma (known simply as "Taku" to his close friends) was a powerful Psion and student of the School of Discipline. Despite his reserved nature, Xi'Nan was known to have a humorous streak, often playing small pranks on his teammates. He also acted as the party's voice of reason, mediating disputes between them, once being cited as the glue that held the party together during its most turbulent times. After their final, fateful battle with Azilack, Xi'Nan returned home to Romagon, where he wandered for some time. He was last seen to be scaling Mount Heiwa, to meditate where the Sages of Romagon once met to discuss the Sublime Mind. Although multiple attempts were made to find him, Xi'Nan seems to have disappeared on that pilgrimage. Stories tel
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| - Monk /Psychometabolist Psion
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| - Holdae the 9th of Catas, Year 209 of Titans, Spring in Court
| - Biological parents unknown
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| - One of the legendary Heroes of Vegrholl, Xi'Nan Takuma (known simply as "Taku" to his close friends) was a powerful Psion and student of the School of Discipline. Despite his reserved nature, Xi'Nan was known to have a humorous streak, often playing small pranks on his teammates. He also acted as the party's voice of reason, mediating disputes between them, once being cited as the glue that held the party together during its most turbulent times. After their final, fateful battle with Azilack, Xi'Nan returned home to Romagon, where he wandered for some time. He was last seen to be scaling Mount Heiwa, to meditate where the Sages of Romagon once met to discuss the Sublime Mind. Although multiple attempts were made to find him, Xi'Nan seems to have disappeared on that pilgrimage. Stories tell, however, of a brave monk with a large straw hat and enormous psychic power mysteriously appearing to aid the poor and downtrodden of Romagon, before vanishing once more into the snow as quickly as he came.