| - Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor. Magical damage is caused mainly by Spells, Magic Weapons but also few physical damage weapons. The types of magical damage are:
* Earth Damage,
* Fire Damage,
* Energy Damage,
* Ice Damage,
* Holy Damage,
* Death Damage,
* Lifedrain Damage.
- Magical damage is caused by raw magical energy, typically inflicted by certain arcane spells such as the magic missile line of spells: magic missile, Isaac's lesser missile storm, and Isaac's greater missile storm. There tend to be few items granting resistance or immunity to magical damage. Magical, divine, and positive energy damage are the three damage types for which there is no protection via spells.
- Magical Damage can be caused by an attack that includes one of the four elements - earth, wind, fire or water. They may be a result of a magical attack from a skill or a weapon that inflicts magical damage.
- Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor. Magical damage is caused by spells, runes, wands and rods, or enchanted weapons. The types of magical damage are Earth Damage, Fire Damage, Energy Damage, Ice Damage, Holy Damage and Death Damage. Note that not all spells and runes cause Magical Damage, some of them cause Physical Damage instead. The only spells that cause physical damage (after Update 8.1) are the Explosion runes.
- Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor. Magical damage is caused by spells, runes, wands and rods, or enchanted weapons. The types of magical damage are Earth Damage, Fire Damage, Energy Damage, Ice Damage, Holy Damage and Death Damage.
- Magische Schade is hetzelfde als Lichamelijke Schade, behalve dat het niet geblokt kan worden door het doelwits Schildgebruik, en het dwars door het doelwits pantser heengaat. Magische Schade wordt veroorzaakt door spreuken, runes, wands en rods, of behekste wapens. De vormen van Magische Schade zijn Aardschade, Vuurschade, Energie Schade, IJsschade, Heilige Schade en Dood Schade. Onthoud dat niet alle spreuken en runes Magische Schade veroorzaken, sommigen veroorzaken Lichamelijke Schade. De enige spreuken die Lichamelijke Schade veroorzaken (na Update 8.1) zijn de Explosie-runes.
- Magical Damage is a name used on this wiki and elsewhere to refer collectively to all types of Physical Damage that will trigger a target's Magic Immunity. This includes damage from many harmful spells, all File:Icon Ranged Magic.png , and even Special Attacks. As with all other types of Physical Damage, Magical Damage attempts to inflict actual File:Icon Damage.png on its target, and requires the attacker and target to perform multiple File:Icon ToHit.png and File:Icon ToBlock.png rolls, respectively, in order to determine the final File:Icon Damage.png amount.
| - Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor. Magical damage is caused mainly by Spells, Magic Weapons but also few physical damage weapons. The types of magical damage are:
* Earth Damage,
* Fire Damage,
* Energy Damage,
* Ice Damage,
* Holy Damage,
* Death Damage,
* Lifedrain Damage.
- Magical damage is caused by raw magical energy, typically inflicted by certain arcane spells such as the magic missile line of spells: magic missile, Isaac's lesser missile storm, and Isaac's greater missile storm. There tend to be few items granting resistance or immunity to magical damage. Magical, divine, and positive energy damage are the three damage types for which there is no protection via spells.
- Magische Schade is hetzelfde als Lichamelijke Schade, behalve dat het niet geblokt kan worden door het doelwits Schildgebruik, en het dwars door het doelwits pantser heengaat. Magische Schade wordt veroorzaakt door spreuken, runes, wands en rods, of behekste wapens. De vormen van Magische Schade zijn Aardschade, Vuurschade, Energie Schade, IJsschade, Heilige Schade en Dood Schade. Image:Life Drain Icon.gif Life Drain en Mana Drain mogen als Magische Schade worden beschouwd omdat ze niet beïnvloed worden door het doelwits Schildgebruik of pantser, maar op het moment is het voor spelers onmogelijk om deze schade te veroorzaken. Onthoud dat de meeste Life Drain aanvallen veranderd zijn in Dood Schade na de Winter 2007 Update. Door de aard van Doodschade, zijn de meeste wezens niet sterk of immuun voor Doodschade. Vuurschade volgt vlak erachter als de meest voorkomende vorm van schade die gebruikt wordt tegen wezens. Als Vuurschade en Dood Schade allebei niet goed werken tegen het wezen, zal Heilige Schade waarschijnlijk zijn zwakke plek zijn. Als alle drie oneffectief zijn heb je waarschijnlijk te maken met een monster van IJs of Water, wat betekent dat Energie Schade het meest effectief is. Onthoud dat niet alle spreuken en runes Magische Schade veroorzaken, sommigen veroorzaken Lichamelijke Schade. De enige spreuken die Lichamelijke Schade veroorzaken (na Update 8.1) zijn de Explosie-runes.
- Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor. Magical damage is caused by spells, runes, wands and rods, or enchanted weapons. The types of magical damage are Earth Damage, Fire Damage, Energy Damage, Ice Damage, Holy Damage and Death Damage. Image:Life Drain Icon.gif Life Drain and Mana Drain may be considered magic damage since they are not affected by the target's shielding or armor, but it is currently impossible for players to cause this kind of damage. Note that now most life drain attacks have turned into death damage after the Winter 2007 Update. Due to the nature of Death Damage, most creatures are not strong or immune to its effects. Fire Damage follows closely behind as the most common type of damage to use against creatures. If neither fire nor death are effective against the creature, Holy Damage will most likely be its weakness. If all three are ineffective then you're most likely up against ice or water type monster in which case Energy Damage is most effective against it. Note that not all spells and runes cause Magical Damage, some of them cause Physical Damage instead. The only spells that cause physical damage (after Update 8.1) are the Explosion runes.
- Magical damage is similar to Physical Damage, except that it cannot be blocked by the target's Shielding, and it is not mitigated by the target's armor. Magical damage is caused by spells, runes, wands and rods, or enchanted weapons. The types of magical damage are Earth Damage, Fire Damage, Energy Damage, Ice Damage, Holy Damage and Death Damage. Image:Life Drain Icon.gif Life Drain and Mana Drain may be considered magic damage since they are not affected by the target's shielding or armor, but it is currently impossible for players to cause this kind of damage. Note that now most life drain attacks have turned into death damage after the Winter 2007 Update. Due to the nature of Death Damage, most creatures are not strong or immune to its effects. Fire Damage follows closely behind as the most common type of damage to use against creatures. If neither fire nor death are effective against the creature, Holy Damage will most likely be its weakness. If all three are ineffective then you're most likely up against ice or water type monster in which case Energy Damage is most effective against it. Note that not all spells and runes cause Magical Damage, some of them cause Physical Damage instead. The only runes that cause physical damage (after Update 8.1) are the Explosion runes. And the only instant spell (after Update 8.7) is the Physical Strike.
- Magical Damage is a name used on this wiki and elsewhere to refer collectively to all types of Physical Damage that will trigger a target's Magic Immunity. This includes damage from many harmful spells, all File:Icon Ranged Magic.png , and even Special Attacks. As with all other types of Physical Damage, Magical Damage attempts to inflict actual File:Icon Damage.png on its target, and requires the attacker and target to perform multiple File:Icon ToHit.png and File:Icon ToBlock.png rolls, respectively, in order to determine the final File:Icon Damage.png amount. Magical Damage is only a collective name that's used for simplicity's sake. The only common property of all Damage Types grouped under this name is that they will all trigger a target's Magic Immunity, if present. This can have various effects, depending on the Magical Damage's method of delivery. Furthermore, two "sub-types" of Magical Damage exist, called Fire Damage and Cold Damage. These are identical to Magical Damage, except they will also trigger additional immunities the target might possess (Fire Immunity and Cold Immunity, respectively). They are otherwise functionally similar to Magical Damage, and will trigger Magic Immunity if present as well.
- Magical Damage can be caused by an attack that includes one of the four elements - earth, wind, fire or water. They may be a result of a magical attack from a skill or a weapon that inflicts magical damage.