| - Nasmet's company, Royal Properties Inc., has built six casinos and is currently building a seventh. The casinos and their adjoined facilities provide almost all of the company's income. The Royal Nasmet's first and largest casino, on Midgard, built during the heyday of the Commonwealth. The Royal's success gained Nasmet his induction into the Order of the Lion. Plaza Vitoria Located in the heart of Cidade, the Plaza was Nasmet's second casino and was built as a challenge to Nicolau Ribeira, Nasmet's rival and the Director of Cidade. Luzon Grand Crystal Palace The Triad The Last Resort
| - Nasmet's company, Royal Properties Inc., has built six casinos and is currently building a seventh. The casinos and their adjoined facilities provide almost all of the company's income. The Royal Nasmet's first and largest casino, on Midgard, built during the heyday of the Commonwealth. The Royal's success gained Nasmet his induction into the Order of the Lion. Plaza Vitoria Located in the heart of Cidade, the Plaza was Nasmet's second casino and was built as a challenge to Nicolau Ribeira, Nasmet's rival and the Director of Cidade. Luzon Grand Funded by independent backers so as to avoid conflict with the nomads of Sharif, the Luzon is that skyland's only gambling institution. Nasmet thought to take advantage of a large influx of people during the trade season, but the Luzon has generally been the underdog of his resorts. Crystal Palace Built in the ice of Eltsina and made to look just like it, the Crystal Palace is an architectural marvel and holds both Nasmet's casino and a flourishing tradehouse. The Triad Located in the triangle between Leng, Cidade, and Valvia on a small unnamed skyland, the Triad depends on the stream of spectators who come to watch grimby at nearby Center Court. The Last Resort Nasmet's boldest venture was the establishment of a casino on Tortuga, which has thrived due to Tortuga's loose tax laws and a constant flow of willing gamblers. Golden Palm Grottopolis The latest of RPI's developments, this hotel and casino is still in the planning stages, but is due to be built on Grottopolis in the next year.