"Puberty all over again... fantastic!" -- The Master The Seventh Master is the renegade Time Lord, the Master, in his seventh on-screen (and youngest) incarnation. He uses the Earth's fear of alien invasion to take over Earth by tricking humans into believing he was a benevolent, wealthy human. After he was defeated, he tried to brainwash groups of people within Washington DC during the Cold War in hopes of creating a nuclear holocaust. He then tried to take over New Gallifrey by invading the planet with new allies, the Daleks.
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| - "Puberty all over again... fantastic!" -- The Master The Seventh Master is the renegade Time Lord, the Master, in his seventh on-screen (and youngest) incarnation. He uses the Earth's fear of alien invasion to take over Earth by tricking humans into believing he was a benevolent, wealthy human. After he was defeated, he tried to brainwash groups of people within Washington DC during the Cold War in hopes of creating a nuclear holocaust. He then tried to take over New Gallifrey by invading the planet with new allies, the Daleks.
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| - Ex Nihilo
- King of Spades/Dark Times
- Night of the Empty/Dawn of the Shadows
- Tree Of Life/Vengeance Sevenfold
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| - Angelo Kapitan, Brother Kreios, President Natha
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| - "Puberty all over again... fantastic!" -- The Master The Seventh Master is the renegade Time Lord, the Master, in his seventh on-screen (and youngest) incarnation. He uses the Earth's fear of alien invasion to take over Earth by tricking humans into believing he was a benevolent, wealthy human. After he was defeated, he tried to brainwash groups of people within Washington DC during the Cold War in hopes of creating a nuclear holocaust. He then tried to take over New Gallifrey by invading the planet with new allies, the Daleks.