Weekly Shōnen Magazine (週刊少年マガジン, Shūkan Shōnen Magajin), also known as Shōnen Magazine, is a shōnen manga magazine published by Kodansha, first published on 17 March 1959. Despite some unusual censorship policies (until just recently, it was one of the only shōnen magazines to forbid the depiction of female nipples), it's mainly read by an older audience, with a large portion of its readership falling under the male high school or college student demographic.
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| - Weekly Shōnen Magazine (週刊少年マガジン, Shūkan Shōnen Magajin), also known as Shōnen Magazine, is a shōnen manga magazine published by Kodansha, first published on 17 March 1959. Despite some unusual censorship policies (until just recently, it was one of the only shōnen magazines to forbid the depiction of female nipples), it's mainly read by an older audience, with a large portion of its readership falling under the male high school or college student demographic.
- Weekly Shōnen Magazine(週刊少年マガジンShūkan Shōnen Magajin), also known as Shōnen Magazine, is a shōnen manga magazine published by Kodansha, first published on 17 March 1959. Despite some unusual censorship policies (until just recently, it was one of the only shōnen magazines to forbid the depiction of female nipples), its audience tends to skew older with some more mature works and a large portion of its reading population falling under the male high school or college student demographic.
- Weekly Shōnen Magazine is featured as an actual magazine item in the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, partly as part of a product placement gimmick conceptualized by series creator Hideo Kojima as a joke, and partly to cover the magazine's 50th anniversary back in 2009. Although based on a real magazine, the cover itself is completely fictional, with it featuring Sari Koboyashi, a Japanese model/actress. The magazine was replaced in the international versions with the Super Magazine. In the HD Edition, the cover was changed. The same cover in the HD Edition also makes a cameo in Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. The cover in question features the manga/anime series Fairy Tail, and to a lesser extent Metal Gear Solid: Rising, due to the mangaka of the series, Hiro Mashim
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| - First Issue of Weekly Shonen Magazine
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| - Weekly Shōnen Magazine (週刊少年マガジン, Shūkan Shōnen Magajin), also known as Shōnen Magazine, is a shōnen manga magazine published by Kodansha, first published on 17 March 1959. Despite some unusual censorship policies (until just recently, it was one of the only shōnen magazines to forbid the depiction of female nipples), it's mainly read by an older audience, with a large portion of its readership falling under the male high school or college student demographic.
- Weekly Shōnen Magazine(週刊少年マガジンShūkan Shōnen Magajin), also known as Shōnen Magazine, is a shōnen manga magazine published by Kodansha, first published on 17 March 1959. Despite some unusual censorship policies (until just recently, it was one of the only shōnen magazines to forbid the depiction of female nipples), its audience tends to skew older with some more mature works and a large portion of its reading population falling under the male high school or college student demographic.
- Weekly Shōnen Magazine is featured as an actual magazine item in the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, partly as part of a product placement gimmick conceptualized by series creator Hideo Kojima as a joke, and partly to cover the magazine's 50th anniversary back in 2009. Although based on a real magazine, the cover itself is completely fictional, with it featuring Sari Koboyashi, a Japanese model/actress. The magazine was replaced in the international versions with the Super Magazine. In the HD Edition, the cover was changed. The same cover in the HD Edition also makes a cameo in Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D. The cover in question features the manga/anime series Fairy Tail, and to a lesser extent Metal Gear Solid: Rising, due to the mangaka of the series, Hiro Mashima, being a massive Metal Gear fan.
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