| - Der GameCube (engl. für Spielwürfel) (jap. ニンテンドー ゲームキューブ Nintendō Gēmukyūbu, kurz GCN) ist eine Videospielkonsole von Nintendo. Er gehört zur selben Konsolengeneration wie die Sega Dreamcast, die Sony PlayStation 2 und die Microsoft Xbox. Der Nachfolger des GameCube ist Wii; der Vorgänger ist die Nintendo 64.
- GameCube la consola de Nintendo, tuvo solo 2 juegos de Mortal Kombat.
- Nintendo GameCube [Нинтендо Гэйм Куб] изначально во время разработки называлась Dolphin; официальная аббревиатура — GCN) четвёртая игровая приставка компании Nintendo, относящаяся к шестому поколению игровых систем. GameCube сама по себе была самой компактной и самой дешевой игровой приставкой в шестом поколении. GameCube был выпущен в продажу 14 сентября 2001 в Японии, 18 ноября 2001 в Северной Америке по цене $199.95[2]; 3 мая 2002 в Европе; и 17 мая 2002 в Австралии. GameCube впервые упоминалась в #145 выпуске журнала Nintendo Power. Luigi's Mansion была первой игрой (выпуск #150).
- The Game Cube was a video game console developed by Nintendo. It is shaped in the form of a cube, and is probably best known for hosting the Mario Franchise for several years (late 2001 to early 2007). It succeeded the Nintendo 64 and in 2007 was replaced by the Wii. The system could support up to four controllers at once. Even after production was ceased, Game Cubes remained on the market until the last ones were sold. After they were gone, the games for the console almost completely disappeared. Now most games for it are purchased online.
- Game Cubes , also simply called Games, are gigantic purple cubes that are loaded into systems by the User. The User simply plays them for pleasure. When the User begins a Game, the sky over Mainframe turns purple with electrical bursts. The System Voice announces, "Warning, Incoming Game" several times so that the city's inhabitants know to either evacuate or be ready to fight. The Cube lands on a sector of the city, changing everything in it to the Game landscape. Anyone trapped inside must reboot and play the Game and try to defeat the User. If they win, the System Voice announces, "Game Over" and the Cube leaves, returning that area of the city to normal. If they lose, the Voice announces, "Game Over, User Wins" and the Game nullifies that section of the city. All the sprites and binome
| - Game Cubes , also simply called Games, are gigantic purple cubes that are loaded into systems by the User. The User simply plays them for pleasure. When the User begins a Game, the sky over Mainframe turns purple with electrical bursts. The System Voice announces, "Warning, Incoming Game" several times so that the city's inhabitants know to either evacuate or be ready to fight. The Cube lands on a sector of the city, changing everything in it to the Game landscape. Anyone trapped inside must reboot and play the Game and try to defeat the User. If they win, the System Voice announces, "Game Over" and the Cube leaves, returning that area of the city to normal. If they lose, the Voice announces, "Game Over, User Wins" and the Game nullifies that section of the city. All the sprites and binomes who were caught within become nulls, and a large hole in the ground remains where the Cube had landed. The User has no idea that the Games are harmful to the computer or the city. The sector of the city that is nullified is completely off-line. The large hole in the ground is not dangerous once the Game has left, it is simply not useful, and any buildings that were there are gone. Despite the damage caused by the Game Cube, the sector can be rebuilt. The Cube's outer wall is virtually indestructable. The outer wall is only about a foot thick, but composed completely of energy. The majority of a Game Cubes energy is concentrated in the outer wall of the Cube. Nothing has ever penetrated a Cubes wall, even a Super Virus' power cannot penetrate it. Once inside a Game no one can get out, the wall will keep everyone inside. When the Game is landing the wall is somewhat permiable, but if something charge with a great deal of power, such as the Hardware powered by Hexadecimal, bisects the wall as the Cube is landing the Cube will cause the device to over load and explode. (To Mend and Defend) According to Phong there is a time discrepancy between virtual space and Game space. Turbo said Game time is accelerated, and Cubes possess the ability to make sprites compile, or age, much more quickly that usual. This effect aged both AndrAIa and Enzo into full grown adults when only a year had actually passed by outside the Cubes. (Game Over) (The Episode With No Name) Game Cubes are extremely difficult to damage. It is highly cautioned to avoid damaging a Game Cube. If a person is somehow able to damage a Cube it will become even more dangerous and unpredictable, with unforseen consequences. Game Cubes contain more power within them than a city's Core. A device called a Leech Command can be attached to a Game to drain energy from it. If it drains too much energy the Game can crash. This will cause a manual restart. The system voice will announce, "Game Crash Confirmed, Manual Restart". The User downloads another Game Cube on top of the existing one, causing the two Games to merge. (When Games Collide) Game Cubes can be damaged if an explosion is detonated inside them, if it is caused by an explosive device brought into the Cube from the system. The Cube becomes even more dangerous and very unpredictable. The system voice will announce, "Warning, Game Corruption". Tears are incapable of forming inside Game Cubes, so instead an explosion inside a Game Cube causes an Infinite Data Else-If Loop. It forms a white hole, a singularity, that sucks up all data near it. The Cube itself will be sucked into this hole and implode. Anyone inside the Game must run to the other edge of the Cube as it shrinks. The outer wall will become unstable and the players can slide through the wall and out of the Game.(Racing the Clock) If a city's core energy has been removed from its Principal Office, the Game will be extremely unstable when it enters the system. As the Cube tries to land it will be attracted to the energy and land on top of it. If the energy is not inside the Principal Office when the Game ends, the energy will leave with the Game, win or lose, and the entire city will be erased. (Bad Bob) There are characters within a Game to fight the User that are part of of the Game itself, not the system. They are called Game Sprites. AndrAIa is a Game sprite from the Treasure of Atlantis Game. Her Game released her to Mainframe when she downloaded a backup of herself onto Enzo's icon. She is the only known Game Sprite ever to leave a Game. Hue Branch and the Tech Boys developed a Game Sampler to download codes from a Game Cube. The theory is that the codes could be used in a lab to attempt to restore nullified sprites. The device is to be placed next to a Game Cubes outer wall from inside the Game. Once activated the device attaches several tubes to the outer wall of the Cube and begins to slowly download the codes for that individual Game. So far, the sampler has only been used once, and it is unknown if it produced any success in the lab. (Life's a Glitch) At one point, Bob became exasperated by certain individuals and hooligans within the Mainframe populace trying to win the Games themselves through reckless means, commenting he was supposed to save them from the User, not themselves. After a suggestion from Dot he gave a quick refresher course in the Principal Office based on his old README file. It was called "Games: A Survival Guide" and it detailed three basic rules to all Games, regardless of objective. (AndrAIa) Rule 1 - Do not enter Games. A Game cannot hurt you, if you are not in it. Do anything you can to get out of the Cube's path. Rule 2 - Fight or Hide, if you do get trapped in a Game, help or stay out of the way. Leave it to the professionals. Rule 3 - Defeat the User, either by destroying it or winning the Game. For a complete list of all Games played by the User see:
- The Game Cube was a video game console developed by Nintendo. It is shaped in the form of a cube, and is probably best known for hosting the Mario Franchise for several years (late 2001 to early 2007). It succeeded the Nintendo 64 and in 2007 was replaced by the Wii. It was released in September 2001 and ran until 2007. The Game Cube was also known for being very family-friendly. Its market share was in third place for most of its run, behind the Playstation 2 and Xbox. Some of the most popular games the Game Cube carried were the Madden NFL games (which were sold on other consoles as well) and the wildly popular Mario series which was only available on Game Cube until the release of the Nintendo Wii. The system could support up to four controllers at once. Even after production was ceased, Game Cubes remained on the market until the last ones were sold. After they were gone, the games for the console almost completely disappeared. Now most games for it are purchased online.
- Der GameCube (engl. für Spielwürfel) (jap. ニンテンドー ゲームキューブ Nintendō Gēmukyūbu, kurz GCN) ist eine Videospielkonsole von Nintendo. Er gehört zur selben Konsolengeneration wie die Sega Dreamcast, die Sony PlayStation 2 und die Microsoft Xbox. Der Nachfolger des GameCube ist Wii; der Vorgänger ist die Nintendo 64.
- GameCube la consola de Nintendo, tuvo solo 2 juegos de Mortal Kombat.
- Nintendo GameCube [Нинтендо Гэйм Куб] изначально во время разработки называлась Dolphin; официальная аббревиатура — GCN) четвёртая игровая приставка компании Nintendo, относящаяся к шестому поколению игровых систем. GameCube сама по себе была самой компактной и самой дешевой игровой приставкой в шестом поколении. GameCube был выпущен в продажу 14 сентября 2001 в Японии, 18 ноября 2001 в Северной Америке по цене $199.95[2]; 3 мая 2002 в Европе; и 17 мая 2002 в Австралии. GameCube впервые упоминалась в #145 выпуске журнала Nintendo Power. Luigi's Mansion была первой игрой (выпуск #150). GameCube является наследницей Nintendo 64 и предшественницей Wii, которая сохраняет обратную совместимость с играми, игровыми контроллерами и картами памяти GameCube. Эта игровая платформа имеет несколько эксклюзивов, таких как Resident Evil Remake с полностью переработанной графикой, анимацией, озвучкой и 70% отличиями от оригинала. Другой эксклюзив - Resident Evil Zero, с улучшенными по сравнению с оригиналом графикой и звуковым сопровождением, и сюжетом, события которого начинаются за день до сжетной линии первого Resident Evil. В этот список входит Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes - значительно переработанная версия игры Metal Gear Solid.