| - Cruz was married at one point, though this ended when he found out that his wife was engaging in at least one affair, for which he strangled her with her own stockings. Cruz was dispatched by Trinity to kill Kaz Weiss, after she left the organization and told her wife Lucya, about Trinity. He began by searching for her in a bar in Iceland, where he assassinated Kaz's friend Femon. He was chased by Lara Croft, and after a brief confrontation, in which he managed to stab her, she managed to force him to retreat. Though he later returned with reinforcements. Destroying the house.
| - Cruz was married at one point, though this ended when he found out that his wife was engaging in at least one affair, for which he strangled her with her own stockings. Cruz was dispatched by Trinity to kill Kaz Weiss, after she left the organization and told her wife Lucya, about Trinity. He began by searching for her in a bar in Iceland, where he assassinated Kaz's friend Femon. He then proceeded to Pripyat, where he located Kaz, hiding with her deceased wife's family. He stabbed Pavel, and threatened the rest of the family, and Lara Croft who was also seeking out Kaz. He was caught off gaurd by the family's dogs and was viciously attacked, though he managed to escape. He was chased by Lara Croft, and after a brief confrontation, in which he managed to stab her, she managed to force him to retreat. Though he later returned with reinforcements. Destroying the house. Lara managed to disguise herself as one of Trinity's troops long enough to take a shot at the helicopter pilot, causing the aircraft to crash. However, Cruz survived, but suffered from severe burns, broken bones and radiation poisoning. While in Hospital, he contacted Auger Ramille to kill Lara and Kaz, however Ramille, later saw an oppourtunity to train Lara, as his protégé, and refused to kill her. Enraged, Cruz left the hospital against doctors' orders, to finish the job himself. He arrived in London and managed to capture Kaz, and used her as incentive to lure Lara to him, in the subway tunnels of London. Though they were interrupted by Ramille, who had followed Lara, who proceeded to kill Cruz's grunts. Cruz makes a final effort to try and kill Kaz, though she kicks him onto the electrified rail, finally killing him.