| - Dr. Light's Laboratory (Dr.ライト研究所 Dr. Raito Kenkyuusho?), also known as Dr. Light's Research Laboratory, is the complex that serves as the home of Dr. Light and his family of robots, including Mega Man, Roll, Auto, Rush, Eddie, Beat, and Tango. It has also served as the birthplace for many other robots created by Dr. Light, including Proto Man and the industrial Robot Masters from the first Mega Man game. Others have been sent here for repairs, including Bass in Mega Man 7 and Duo in Mega Man 8, and it was from here that Bass stole the plans for the Super Adapter. The lab also appears as a shop in Mega Man IV, Mega Man V, Mega Man 8 to Mega Man 10, and Mega Man & Bass. The lab is also briefly mentioned in the instruction manual of Mega Man X when it is discovered by Dr. Cain and housing X.
| - Dr. Light's Laboratory (Dr.ライト研究所 Dr. Raito Kenkyuusho?), also known as Dr. Light's Research Laboratory, is the complex that serves as the home of Dr. Light and his family of robots, including Mega Man, Roll, Auto, Rush, Eddie, Beat, and Tango. It has also served as the birthplace for many other robots created by Dr. Light, including Proto Man and the industrial Robot Masters from the first Mega Man game. Others have been sent here for repairs, including Bass in Mega Man 7 and Duo in Mega Man 8, and it was from here that Bass stole the plans for the Super Adapter. The lab also appears as a shop in Mega Man IV, Mega Man V, Mega Man 8 to Mega Man 10, and Mega Man & Bass. The lab is also briefly mentioned in the instruction manual of Mega Man X when it is discovered by Dr. Cain and housing X. Dr. Light's lab is usually represented by a single image in the different games that it appears in, varying in appearance. Some have had it in the city, others have the laboratory situated out in the countryside, one location being the United States Midwest/West. One game, Mega Man 8, implied from the map screen that it was located near Denver, Colorado. In either case, the laboratory is usually depicted as a futuristic looking building with a blue roof and technology embedded into the walls, located in a small village far from the city. There is usually a red mailbox in front of the house as well. The inside of the lab is usually characterized by metallic walls and one or several large computers and monitors. The size of the lab is never fully revealed, as it is usually only represented by a single room in most games.