| - Rinji: So... Eric, I presume. Eric: Indeed [Bowed a bit with his arms at his side] Rinji: You put a card on me with a scent that draws lurkers behind me, and then you sic a giant on me in order to keep me away while you sneak in and try to kill my crew. Mewhahahahaha! Trying to exterminate one of the equations to make it easier, is that it? Pathetic! You have pissed me off to a level that I will have to deal with now. Allow me to demonstrate my point. Ricky: Hello. [Held up a hand] Rinji: What are you doing here?! Can't you see I'm in the middle of something? Ricky: Yep [Sipped on some tea] But I can't let you pass me by. Chio: Who is that? [Cringing as Usagi tightened the bandage on his arm] Usagi: I think asking any questions at this point is irrelevant. We have to focus. Look [She directed his attention back over to Eric, who seemed more than a little irked at them not even paying attention to him] Rinji: You can't tie me down with your rules! I don't even know you! I don't even know what you look like! Ricky: It's for your own good. I need to keep you alive. Rinji: Keep me alive?!? Not that I'm worried about staying alive, but why would you care? Ricky: You owe me money. Rinji: What?! Me owe you money? You owe me seven cannons! I brought you the guy who put a bounty on your head! Ricky: You wrecked my store. Rinji: YOU DID THAT! I wasn't the one who fired off nine cannons in the middle of a tiny gunshop! Ricky: You brought those men there. Rinji: You can't prove a thi-- Eric: SHUT UP! Both of you! I've had enough! If you're not going to hand over my little sister... [He said with a grin, looking over toward Nikk, who looked back at him with the red and black bangs covering her eyes] I'm going to have to show you why you should! Ricky: Good thing you didn't approach him. [Pulled out a small metal box with a button on it, and pressed it] Eric: GAH! [Flew into the side of the rocks.] Dina jumped safely out of the way, and landed on her feet, her eyes quickly turned toward Ricky. With no hesitation, she crouched to an attack position, and lunged straight toward him in perfect form. With lightning fast hands, her hands came out from underneath her black trench coat, with huge lengths of a strange white bandage. She got straight up close to him, and began to wrap one of his hands to his hip. Ricky: Hey!! What are you doing?! [Quickly pulled his knife from his belt and sliced at her, making her flip backward through the air and land on her feet.] Dina: Bondage whip! [With a crack, she quickly whipped the knife from his belt, and made it fly to the ground to the side of them.] Ricky: Bondage? [Rubbing his fingertips together in front of his face] Dina: Not that kind of bondage! [Face turned bright red.] Bondage Lash! [Whipped another band around at him, this time getting it caught around his arm alone as he blocked it] Dina: Bondage Coffin! [Stopped him suddenly and slammed him onto his entangled feet, standing him up on the ground.] Dina: Now then, lets see what is behind that strange little mask of yours. I can't imagine you're much older than a child. [Began to walk up close to him with her hand out-stretched] Ricky: That could be a very harmful. Dina: Oh? Does normal air hurt? Ricky: Harmful for your health, that is. Dina: What- What is this?! Dina: NOO-- [BOOM! Her form disappeared in a sudden explosion, kicking up much dust around her. When the dust finally settled, she lied there, her face a blank expression of unconsciousness.] Ricky: Do come again. Chio: I have to help him [Got to his feet with a cringe, but Usagi's hand clenched his shoulder, one of the few parts of him that was not burned. He looked at her, and saw her eyes gaze deeply into hers.] Usagi: Stay with me, we need to protect each other, and Rinji needs to hold his own. Such is the burden of a pirate captain. Eric: I don't know what would make you fight on terms with my little sister, but you are sadly mistaken. She is mine to do with what I will, and if I say she comes back with me, she will, whether it is her decision or not. No one leaves the Skeleton Bros. without my say so. I don't care who comes to their aide. Rinji: Then allow me to break your winning streak. Mewhahahahaha! Rinji Katai! [With a swoop of his leg, Rinji swiped across the fog, but as it came, the fog dispersed, and there was no Eric.] Eric: Over here! Eric: Oh, you are very reflexive, as expected from the feline species. Hehehehe, very good, Catman Rinji. Rinji: Rinji Dama!!! [Whirled his hands around, making a ball of energy, and fired it off, causing the fog to whirl with it, and as Eric was revealed, he was struck, causing him to spin out of control.] Eric: Yes, you are indeed a worthy opponent. This I will admit, but this game is over! Rinji: You talk entirely too much! [He spread his arms out wide] HAAA!!!! Eric: Nikk... What are you doing?! Nikk: Kitty-chan... there is so much you don't know about me. You will forgive me in time, but like the trees leaves grow red, together, we can grow as well. Nikk: Osore... Rinji: Oh, of course, the Marine captured the Skeleton Bros. all by themselves. Of course. Rotten bastards [Crumbling up the newspaper and throwing it perfectly into the trash bin.] Chio: Meh, who says they don't deserve some credit, I mean they did... do... well they... ummm... Usagi: They wet themselves enough to scare off the crowd. Ricky: And they refused the insurance claim on my shop, saying that it was on "suspicious terms." Rinji: You destroyed it yourself! [Righted himself] Anyway, I would like to say welcome to our two new crewmates. Though, I don't think I know either of them well enough to announce this as such, but still, they don't bother me too much, and I think I can grow to tolerate them overtime. Cheers! [Raises up his coffee mug, and the rest of them raised their assorted drinks, though it was quite the back-handed compliment.] Nikk: What position do I get on the crew, anyway? Rinji: We'll decide on that on a later date... Right now, the important thing is what lies ahead of us... We are entering what many have named "The New World." Chio: Yeah, things will not be so easy along this way. We'll need to stick together if we're going to survive. I'd like to think we're ready. Usagi: We are. [She nodded] Chio: Are we? [He looked at her, then over to their captain.] Rinji: Yes, we are.