| - Off the wall, out of left field, or just plain old wacky, STORMWIND has a tendency to be overly exuberant in any given situation. She absolutely adores her job, to analyze and study the weather patterns of Earth, and enjoys running everywhere with her Weatherbot teammates, tracking thunderstorms and related phenomena, going to see sights, or just plain going out to meet people. The only thing that comes even close to her love for her job is her immense love of Earth, which she considers it home. As Weatherbot Commander, she is equipped with Doppler and Nexrad radar in both modes, with an uplink to the GOES-8 and other weather satellites in orbit around the Earth. Her main weapon system in robot mode is her capacity to attract lightning bolts to the CB antennas which sit on her shoulders, a
| - Off the wall, out of left field, or just plain old wacky, STORMWIND has a tendency to be overly exuberant in any given situation. She absolutely adores her job, to analyze and study the weather patterns of Earth, and enjoys running everywhere with her Weatherbot teammates, tracking thunderstorms and related phenomena, going to see sights, or just plain going out to meet people. The only thing that comes even close to her love for her job is her immense love of Earth, which she considers it home. As Weatherbot Commander, she is equipped with Doppler and Nexrad radar in both modes, with an uplink to the GOES-8 and other weather satellites in orbit around the Earth. Her main weapon system in robot mode is her capacity to attract lightning bolts to the CB antennas which sit on her shoulders, and fire them at her opponents. She also carries a laser pistol in robot mode, and has a rocket launcher mounted on her roof in her altmode, a Chevrolet Suburban with a long trailer. She leads the Weatherbots not out of great command capability, which she has none, but by sheer intensity, and knowing her job the best of any of them. With the other Weatherbots, she merges to form F-5 as the right arm.