| - It took me seven and a half years to successfully complete the requirements of dual Masters Degrees in Social Work and Public Administration. During those long 7 and ½ years, the most important skill I learned was how to delay self-gratification. I learned that “slow and steady” wins the race. As School Board Director, I would have the determination needed to stay the course and keep my eye on long-term goals. Role clarity – As President of Manchester Elementary School PTA ([PTA]- a nationally affiliated group) I pledged to advocate for ALL children, not the interest of one school. This position has given me several opportunities this past year to speak for ALL of our children of the greater North Side area. As board director I would transfer the experience I have of assessing, monitoring, evaluating and would be accountable to the communities the results gained. I agree with the School District’s principle of “Shared Responsibilities”. “We know that education is the key to our future. All of us -- students, teachers, administrators, families, community, board members and other civic leaders – will take an active role in helping our students succeed”. I’m concerned with the number of discouraged and/or uninvolved parents. Parents; our children’s “first teacher” will be encouraged and empowered to take an active role in our “shared responsibilities”.