In the episode, "Cartoon Wars Part II", an unnamed boy who resembles Bart and mentions historical moments from Bart's life, assisted Eric Cartman in his attempt to kill off Family Guy by getting the show pulled. When Kyle arrives to stop Cartman, Bart knocks him out with his skateboard, but after hearing one of Kyle's "gay little speeches", instead decides to help in saving the show from Cartman. Butters hallucinates Dougie looking like Bart Simpson in the episode, "The Simpsons Already Did It".
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| - In the episode, "Cartoon Wars Part II", an unnamed boy who resembles Bart and mentions historical moments from Bart's life, assisted Eric Cartman in his attempt to kill off Family Guy by getting the show pulled. When Kyle arrives to stop Cartman, Bart knocks him out with his skateboard, but after hearing one of Kyle's "gay little speeches", instead decides to help in saving the show from Cartman. Butters hallucinates Dougie looking like Bart Simpson in the episode, "The Simpsons Already Did It".
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| - In the episode, "Cartoon Wars Part II", an unnamed boy who resembles Bart and mentions historical moments from Bart's life, assisted Eric Cartman in his attempt to kill off Family Guy by getting the show pulled. When Kyle arrives to stop Cartman, Bart knocks him out with his skateboard, but after hearing one of Kyle's "gay little speeches", instead decides to help in saving the show from Cartman. Butters hallucinates Dougie looking like Bart Simpson in the episode, "The Simpsons Already Did It".