| - Kategorie:CharakterKategorie:Matoraner Shu war ein Le-Matoraner.
- Shu is the main character of the Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All manga.
- thumb|Shu-jumala Shu oli muinaisessa Egyptissä palvottu valon ja ilman jumala. Nimi Shu suomennettuna "hän joka nousee". Shu on kahden tärkeän Egyptin jumalan Nutin ja Gebin isä ja Tefnutin poika. Shun toimialueeseen kuuluvat tuuli sekä ilmakehä ja kaikki, mikä sijaitsee taivaan ja maan välissä.
- Shu is the Egyptian god of the wind and air and the father of Geb and Nut. His symbol is an Ostrich feather. His parent is the Aspects of Ra. His sibling, counterpart, and wife is Tefnut.
- Shu is a non-selectable nation in Europa Universalis IV at the beginning in 1444. Its government type is a Despotic Monarchy.
- Shu is the Tenki Star in Suikoden II and the chief strategist of the New State Army.
- thumb|left|101px|Shu ketika Muda di Angkatan Laut Dia memakai kerudung di mulutnya dan memakai topi Angkatan Laut yang lebih bulat dari biasanya. Mantel dia menirai di bahunya hanya mencapai pinggang, dan tampaknya jauh lebih tipis dari yang biasanya, serta jauh lebih pendek, nyaris mencapai pinggangnya saja.
- [[Plik:180px-Oma_y_Shu_separados.png|thumb|left|Shu oddzielone od Oma.]] Dwoje kochanków Oma i Shu spotykali na szczycie góry, która dzieliła ich dwie wioski. Prowadziły one ze sobą wojnę, dla tego ich spotkania zostały zakazane. Jednak ich miłość była silna i udało się znaleźć sposób, aby mogli dalej się spotykać. Oboje nauczyli się magii ziemi od kretoborsuków mieszkających pod ziemią. Wykopali tunele, gdzie mogli się dalej widywać. Pewnego dnia Shu nie przyszedł na spotkanie Omie. Okazało się, że poległ w bitwie. Nieszczęśliwa Oma nauczyła pozostałych magii ziemi, ale zamiast zniszczyć dwie wioski, zapędziła pokój między nimi. Razem, oba kraje pomogły zbudować nowe miasto, gdzie żyły spokojnie. Wielkie miasto nazwano Omashu na pamięć dwóch kochanków .
- Shu es un hombre muy delgado, siempre se tapa la cara con una especie de velo, y el pelo con una gorra, Shu lleva el uniforme estándar de los Marines y una chaqueta colgada por los hombros.
- Shu (シュウ, Shū) es un humanoide perro. Forma parte del grupo de Pilaf y desde el principio de Dragon Ball hasta Dragon Ball GT estuvo intentando junto a su amo Pilaf conquistar el mundo.
- Lang geleden was er oorlog tussen de stammen van Oma en Shu, terwijl zij van elkaar hielden. De oorlog verbood hen samen te zijn, maar stiekem ontmoeten zij elkaar toch op de berg die hun volken scheiden. Ze ontmoetten de dasmollen, waarvan zij leerden aardesturen. Zij bouwden een groot labyrint, waarin zij elkaar in het geheim konden ontmoeten. Maar op een dag kwam de man niet. Hij was vermoord in de oorlog. Woedend toonde Oma iedereen haar krachten. Ze had iedereen kunnen vermoorden, maar in plaats daarvan stopte ze de oorlog en stichtte met beide volken een geweldige stad van welvaart en vrede. De stad werd Omashu genoemd, ter ere van de liefde tussen Oma en Shu.
- Shu, is Emperor Pilaf's ninja lackey and an anthropomorphic dog. He and Mai usually work together to carry out the work of their vertically-challenged and short tempered Emperor. He's one of the first villains in the Dragon Ball series, but perhaps villain is too strong a word. Like anything involving Emperor Pilaf, he's almost comic relief. Originally known as Soba in the manga, but was renamed due to match the anime name given after Akira Toriyama forgot he had named him previously. From Dragon Ball Wiki, a Wikia wiki.
- Shu, en manlig Goa'uld, var känd som en Egyptisk luft gud. Enligt egyptiska legenden var han bror och gemål av vattengudinnan Tefnut, far till Geb och Nut, och son till Ra. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Ultimate Visual Guide")
- Shu Categoria:Personagens
- Shu ist ein Le-Matoraner.
- Shu to Le-Matoranin.
- Shu è un capitano della Marina.
- Shu est un magicien, maître de La Cohorte, il en est le dirigeant et le crateur.
- Shu is de geliefde van Oma, de stichter van Omashu. Zij stichten die stad nadat hij was overleden.
- From Hokuto no Ken: Kyūkyoku Kaisetsusho: Seikimatsu Haō Retsuden.
* Level: A
* Power: 3
* Speed: 4
* Skills: 4
* Looks: 3
* Charisma: 4
- Captain Shu was one of the Marine captains that helped in the Buster Call on Enies Lobby. His name and rank were explicitly stated in One Piece SBS Volume 47.
- Shu është shërbëtori i perandorit Pilaf ninja dhe një dhelpër antropomorfe. Shu dhe Mai zakonisht punojnë së bashku për të kryer punën e tyre për të kënaqur perandorin Pilaf. Ai është një nga kundërshtarët më të parët të cilët janë në serinë e Dragon Ball, por ndoshta ky mund të jetë një kërcënim. Ashtu si çdo gjë që përfshin perandori Pilaf, ai është gati personazh komik. Ai ishte i njohur fillimisht si Soba në manga, por u quajt për shkak të ndeshjes në një turne. Ai zakonisht ka Mai-n si një fletë metalike të personalitetit të tij komik, ku Mai është gjithmonë në një qëndrim serioz dhe zakonisht të armatosur me armatime shumë të rënda.
- Shu è un personaggio secondario di Final Fantasy VIII. È un membro attivo della SeeD che lavora nel Garden di Balamb, occupandosi della supervisione degli esami pratici. È amica di Quistis Trepe.
- thumb|ShuShu is één van belangrijkste handlangers van Pilaf. Net als zijn meester zien we hem in Dragon Ball en heel even in GT. Hij is niet altijd even slim bezig en mede dankzij Goku en zijn vrienden heeft hij nog nooit een opdracht helemaal succesvol uitgevoerd. Categorie:Characters Categorie:Dieren Categorie:Schurken Categorie:Dragon Ball personages Categorie:DBGT personages Categorie:Mannelijk
- Las figuras legendarias, Oma y Shu, fueron los primeros maestros tierra humanos del mundo. Sus cuerpos yacen uno junto al otro dentro de una tumba sepultada profundamente en La Cueva de los Dos Enamorados, en la cual, sus muros están decorados con la historia de su amor.
- he is Ray's pet Ferret. He can shapeshift into any EARTH creature he wants This also includes MYSTICAL beings.
- Volk Volk Pandarengeist Art Wasserelementar Zugehörigkeit Fraktion Geschlecht Titel Gesinnung Herkunft Shen-zin Su Zone Tempel der Fünf Sonnenaufgänge Gebiet Status Level Stufe Shu ist der uralte Geist des Wassers auf Shen-zin Su, der Wandernden Insel. Üblicherweise hält er sich im Tempel der Fünf Sonnenaufgänge auf.
- Shu is the Egyptian god of winds and air. He was created by Atum, along with Tefnut, his wife. His children are Geb (the Earth) and Nut (the Sky). He holds them apart. He is a member of the Ennead of Heliopolis.
- Shu (Shuu/Syu) was a member of VOLTS and a friend of Ginji back in times.
- Shu, a male Goa'uld, was known as an Egyptian air god. According to Egyptian legend, he was brother and consort of the water goddess Tefnut, the father of Geb and Nut, and son of Ra. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Ultimate Visual Guide")
- Shu (シュー Shū?) is a character from Mega Man Legends 2 that lives in the Kito Village on Calbania Island with her younger twin brothers, Appo and Dah.
- Shu was a Le-Matoran native to the island city of Metru Nui.
- Shu ist der beste Freund von Vent und ahnt anfangs noch nichts von Vents Fähigkeiten. Er ist ein Charakter aus dem Manga zu Mega Man ZX. Kategorie:Charakter (Manga)
- thumb|100px|Shu Shu ist eine optionale Blitzballspielerin, die in Final Fantasy X vom Spieler für das Team der Besaid Aurochs angeworben werden kann. Sie ist eine Reporterin in Luca und am Marktplatz anzutreffen. Ab und an kann man sie auch im dortigen Cafè finden. Ihre optimale Position ist die linke Verteidigung. Ihre Ablösesumme beträgt 80 Gil.
- Shu es el protagonista, un chico de 16 años, quien vive con su abuelo en el pequeño pueblo de Talta. Es apasionado, alegre y siempre dispuesto a ayudar a todo el mundo. Cuando Zola llega a su pueblo se da cuenta de que tiene una sombra llamada Blue Dragon que ni siquiera sabía que tenía; la invocó en un rescate de la gente de su pueblo lo convence de irse con Zola y así comienza su viaje.
- Shu met Oma on top of a mountain that divided their two villages, but because they belonged to two warring tribes, they were forbidden from seeing each other. However, their love was strong, and they found a way to continue meeting. Both of them learned earthbending from the badgermoles who dwelt within the mountain; thus, Oma and Shu became the first earthbenders. Using their bending, they carved elaborate tunnels and continued to see each other secretly by traveling these passages, designing the tunnels so that anyone who followed them would be lost forever.
- In the game, he is voiced by Mona Marshall in the English game and Marina Inoue in the Japanese version.Shu is sixteen years old and ten in the anime. He has a brash and impetuous nature that has often gotten him into trouble. But his courage, strength and dogged determination has saved him from certain death many times. He is also protective and caring of his friends shown when Jiro and Kluke were unconscious after the Land Shark escaped from their trap and chose to wake them up before opening treasure chests and when protecting from Nene and other means.
- Shu (シュウ Shū) is a fictional character from the anime Digimon Story.He is characterized as having a very cool headed and calm personality, he has good smoothness when it comes to handling a situation. Shu is a very passionate child and has friends that he can always rely on, despite just moving to Odaiba from his hometown of Shiba . Shu is athletic boosting great reflexes, he is also a kindhearted child which is sometimes a weakness of his in Digimon battles. Shu's favorite sport is soccer., Shu possesses the red and black Digivice IC, which allows Agumon to digivolve to GeoGreymon and RizeGreymon, later the he posses the Digivice Burst which allows Agumon to digivolve to ShineGreymon and ShineGreymon Burst Mode.
- Shu oli Mata Nuilla Gukko-ilmavoimien lentäjä ja vartioi usein Le-Wahin taivasta. Rahien hyökätessä Le-Koroon Shu, Tamaru ja muut ilmavoimien jäsenet olivat ainoat jotka selvisivät nappaamisesta. Kuullessaan Takuan tulevan kylään he piiloutuivat mutta tulivat taas esiin Takuan soittaessa huilua. Myöhemmin toisessa hyökkäyksessä Shu lähti taisteluun muiden ilmavoimien jäsenten kanssa. Matau ja muut Le-Matoranit vapautettiin Onuan avulla.
- Als Shu ein Kind war, wurde er Schüler von Mathiu Silverberg und lernte alles über Militärstrategien. Mathiu sah großes Potenzial in diesem jungen Schüler, jedoch verwendete Shu seine Kenntnisse für persönliche Bereicherung und wurde von Mathiu aus der Schule geworfen. Seitdem ist Shu ein Händler. Mit seinem unheimlich guten Gespür für die Geschehnisse in der Welt wurde er durch Handel schnell reich.
- Shu (蜀), also known as Shu Han (蜀漢), is one of the three influential kingdoms in the Dynasty Warriors, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Dynasty Tactics series, and Kessen II. In the Dynasty Warriors franchise, the kingdom is symbolized by the color green and a Chinese dragon as a reference to Qinglong. Shu is sometimes symbolized by peach blossoms, a reference to the Peach Garden Oath. The cause of Shu's fall has been debated often over the years. Some attribute it to Jiang Wei's foolishness and political corruption, and some attribute it to Shu's poor lands, which were mountainous and rugged.
- Shu es un humanoide Zorro de color rojo. Forma parte del grupo de Pilaf y desde el principio de Dragon Ball hasta Dragon Ball GT estuvo intentando junto a su amo Pilaf, al principio de la serie Dragon Ball encerraron en el castillo de Pilaf a Goku, Bulma, Yamcha y Puar, pero Goku se transformo en Ozharu y destrozo todo a su paso. Después aparece junto a su compañera Mai y su amo Pilaf, como por ejemplo cuando esconden en una caja especial la única bola de dragon que le faltaba a Goku y que por eso tuvo que enfrentarse a los guerreros de Uranai Baba, donde descubrieron el punto débil de Goku, su cola.