Tennessee to New York to Salviana is the third installment of Fatjohn Adventures. This installment marks the first appearance of Shelton Flauhburch and the second appearances of Frederick Kalgarron, Parker Stuart, and Jett Royle. It follows The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker and precedes Fatjohn & Parker: Road Buddies.
Attributes | Values |
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| - Tennessee to New York to Salviana
| - Tennessee to New York to Salviana is the third installment of Fatjohn Adventures. This installment marks the first appearance of Shelton Flauhburch and the second appearances of Frederick Kalgarron, Parker Stuart, and Jett Royle. It follows The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker and precedes Fatjohn & Parker: Road Buddies.
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Row 4 info
| - The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker
Row 1 info
| - Winter 2005 in Dragoonasag
Row 4 title
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Row 2 info
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Row 1 title
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Row 5 info
| - ''Fatjohn & Parker: Road Buddies
Row 2 title
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Row 5 title
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Row 3 info
| - Gabe McPunnitt as Big Zonie
- Jord Small as Jack the Car Salesman
Row 3 title
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Box Title
| - Fatjohn Adventures installment
| - Tennessee to New York to Salviana is the third installment of Fatjohn Adventures. This installment marks the first appearance of Shelton Flauhburch and the second appearances of Frederick Kalgarron, Parker Stuart, and Jett Royle. It follows The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker and precedes Fatjohn & Parker: Road Buddies.