Basic Trope: A group of characters have themed names.
* Straight: The main characters in the RPG Tales of Troperion are King, Jack, Ace, Joker, and Queen.
* Exaggerated: Every character in Tales of Troperion has a card-related name (e.g. Bluff, Suit, Old Maid...)
* Downplayed: Only the Terrible Trio have themed names: Ace, Queen, and Jack.
* Justified: The five protagonists come from a kingdom where card games are very popular.
* Inverted: ???
* Subverted: It seems everyone is named for cards ... then they meet Bob.
* Double Subverted: But Bob's last name is Cardington.
* Parodied: Even animals, places and objects had card-themed names. Or, the heroes have card-themed names and normal nicknames/codenames
* Zig Zagged: ???
* Averted: Nobody's name is th
Attributes | Values |
| - Theme Naming/Playing With
| - Basic Trope: A group of characters have themed names.
* Straight: The main characters in the RPG Tales of Troperion are King, Jack, Ace, Joker, and Queen.
* Exaggerated: Every character in Tales of Troperion has a card-related name (e.g. Bluff, Suit, Old Maid...)
* Downplayed: Only the Terrible Trio have themed names: Ace, Queen, and Jack.
* Justified: The five protagonists come from a kingdom where card games are very popular.
* Inverted: ???
* Subverted: It seems everyone is named for cards ... then they meet Bob.
* Double Subverted: But Bob's last name is Cardington.
* Parodied: Even animals, places and objects had card-themed names. Or, the heroes have card-themed names and normal nicknames/codenames
* Zig Zagged: ???
* Averted: Nobody's name is th
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| - Basic Trope: A group of characters have themed names.
* Straight: The main characters in the RPG Tales of Troperion are King, Jack, Ace, Joker, and Queen.
* Exaggerated: Every character in Tales of Troperion has a card-related name (e.g. Bluff, Suit, Old Maid...)
* Downplayed: Only the Terrible Trio have themed names: Ace, Queen, and Jack.
* Justified: The five protagonists come from a kingdom where card games are very popular.
* Inverted: ???
* Subverted: It seems everyone is named for cards ... then they meet Bob.
* Double Subverted: But Bob's last name is Cardington.
* Parodied: Even animals, places and objects had card-themed names. Or, the heroes have card-themed names and normal nicknames/codenames
* Zig Zagged: ???
* Averted: Nobody's name is themed after anything.
* Enforced: ???
* Lampshaded: "Why is everyone named for some card-related thing?"
* Invoked: ???
* Exploited: ???
* Defied: ???
* Discussed: ???
* Conversed: ???