| - But I just have to say, I am so glad that I found this website! A place full of stories as unlikely and unpleasant as mine is. I am glad to finally have found a place where I may speak freely and where people will believe me. It’s probably best to start at the beginning. Ich erzaele euch alles von Anfang an. I hate TV. It is repulsive! I was wrong! I did see him again. In black-and-white as part of the wicked puppet show on TV. We sat in the logged room and watched, as the black puppet tore Paul’s ear off for not nailing a shoe rack together fast enough. The teachers kept quiet and of course we were afraid of even breathing to loudly. But well, what can I say? Growing up in Leipzig directly after the unification was breathtaking. Day and night I tried out all this marvelous new things. It was all new, it was all there. You can’t imagine. I really think you can’t! Now I am a grown man. I live in a colorful City. Many people come to visit us, even from the USA. Leipzig ist immer eine Reise wert! I don’t want to be burdened down by my past, that’s what I said to myself so often. I want to live. I even bought me a TV set. These multi-colored, gay TV shows of today are awesome. I love Star Trek and 7th Heaven the most! And we also have local TV. In Germany every Bundesland has its own Station. One last thing, just to be safe, if someone should contact you, one of them I mean. I think we agree that everything I just told you was mere fiction, nothing more.