The Coronet was the personal transport of new Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze during the Clone Wars. This vessel and its crew were responsible for ferrying the Duchess to her numerous off world activities.
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| - The Coronet was the personal transport of new Mandalorian Duchess Satine Kryze during the Clone Wars. This vessel and its crew were responsible for ferrying the Duchess to her numerous off world activities.
- Coronet was arguably the most populous city in SWG; at any time you were be able to find other players nearby, especially around the starport. During the time of the Doc Buff, Coronet was also a likely place to get a buff. The city is not a stronghold, so the patrolling NPC forces can switch between Imperial and Rebel, depending on who controls the planet.
- Coronet es un Aro se encuentra en Diablo II.
- The Coronet is a Circlet found in Diablo II.
- Coronet ist ein Paradebeispiel für effiziente Industriewirtschaft und ökologische Ästhetik. Oft wird die Hauptstadt auch als das Juwel von Corellia bezeichnet. Sie ist eine große, sehr moderne Stadt mit hoher Bevölkerungsdichte. Zwischen den Hochhäusern verlaufen die Schienen einer Magnet-Schnellbahn, mit der Fracht und Passagiere effizient und bequem transportiert werden konnten. Um die Schönheit und Individualität ihrer Welt zu bewahren, haben die Corellianer große Parks im Herzen der Stadt geschützt. Kategorie:Städte und Dörfer
- The Coronet was a New Mandalorian liner often used by Duchess Satine Kryze for diplomatic meetings. During the Clone Wars, Kryze used the ship to fly to Coruscant to debate a proposed Republic intervention on Mandalore to stop Death Watch. It was subjected to a battle when Senator Tal Merrik attempted to assassinate Kryze, alerting Droch-class boarding ships to the Coronet's location. The Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and their clone troopers prevented her assassination, destroyed the deposited B2 super battle droids and killed Merrik, allowing Kryze to depart at Coruscant.
- Premiere tells Ayla that Coronet explained the Golden Kids official club name to him when he was a freshman. Coronet's male: "Premiere volunteered, “When I was a frosh, Coronet explained it to me. Of course, Coronet liked to make up a lot of stuff, so take this with a grain of salt the size of a salt mine. He told me that what he was told was that it started out as the Royal Kings of the Golden Circle, and so the group was known as the Golden Kings"
- A small decorative crown, fashioned out of pure gold, worn by members of nobility.
- In keeping with Corellia's space-faring heritage, Coronet boasted a large spaceport; one that was the busiest in the galaxy per capita. Coronet was also home to the CorSec Academy. Although the city was heavily patrolled, police presence was lighter in the Blue Sector—a rough section of town where cantinas, casinos and poor offworlders tended to congregate. The city possessed a maglev train system for its public transportation system, rather than the taxi system that Coruscant used. The maglev transported cargo through the industrial sector.
- A quiet little town just south of Muse City and bordering Lake Dunan, Coronet’s main industry is fishing. The laid-back atmosphere of Coronet is a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of larger cities in the region and catered to a variety of individuals, including Genshu, Tai Ho, and Yam Koo.
- Coronet City was the capital of Corellia. Often referred to as "The Jewel of Corellia", Coronet was a bustling urban metropolis located on the coast of the southernmost continent. It was a technologically advanced city with beautiful architecture, but its urban development paled in comparison to Coruscant.
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| - Rise of the Empire era
- Old Republic era
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*Galaktisches Imperium
*Neue Republik
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