| - Homosexualities and Socialism (French: Homosexualités et socialisme) is a French association of reflection, propositions and concern on the LGBt minority of France created in 1983. It is part of the Socialist Party, it rallies both militants and sympathizers for Socialist and other leftist parties and politicians in the French parliament. The association maintains relations with its European counterparts, with which it founded the network Rainbow Rose, which profits since 2006 from the statute from observant organization from the European Socialist party. It is member of the Inter-LGBT and the section “Europe” of International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA-Europe). It takes part in the Marche of Prides LGBT and in the walk against the AIDS. It also takes part in the demonstrations organized by the socialist party at the national level (Congress, Universités) and federal (Festivals of the Rose, federal commissions). She counts several local groups, with Brest, Lyon, Toulouse… Association tackles all the subjects which concern directly or not people LGBT: education, families, right of asylum and to the stay, Health, specificities lesbians, fight against discriminations, PACS, questions trans, right Europeans and positive harmonization. These sets of themes are approached within the framework of commissions and are the subject of complete records taking again the philosophical vision of the covered subject, the concrete cases, the legislative and lawful proposals.