| - Details: James Kilgore joined a band of extremists known as the SLA in 1969, which included members Emily and Bill Harris. He helped create fake IDs for several of the members and soon began orchestrating bank robberies. Emily gunned down and killed an innocent woman named Myrna Opsahl, who was there with her church group to deposit money, during a bank heist on April 28, 1975 at Crocker National Bank in Carmichael, California. Kilgore, Bill Harris, Kilgore's girlfriend Kathleen Soliah, Patty Hearst, who was kidnapped by the SLA months earlier, and Michael Bortin, were also involved in the robbery/murder.
| - Details: James Kilgore joined a band of extremists known as the SLA in 1969, which included members Emily and Bill Harris. He helped create fake IDs for several of the members and soon began orchestrating bank robberies. Emily gunned down and killed an innocent woman named Myrna Opsahl, who was there with her church group to deposit money, during a bank heist on April 28, 1975 at Crocker National Bank in Carmichael, California. Kilgore, Bill Harris, Kilgore's girlfriend Kathleen Soliah, Patty Hearst, who was kidnapped by the SLA months earlier, and Michael Bortin, were also involved in the robbery/murder. Several of the SLA members were arrested soon afterwards, including Kilgore, but they were not charged with Myrna's murder. Instead, they were charged with planting several bombs throughout San Francisco. In June 1999, however, police arrested Soliah, who was living under the assumed name Sarah Jane Olsen in connection to a bomb that was placed under a police car that, fortuanetly, did not detonate. On January 16, 2002, police found enough evidence to arrest every member of the radical group. Soliah, both Harrises, and Bortin were convicted of Myrna's murder and Emily was sentenced to seven years in prison, Bill sentenced to eight years, Cathy to six years, and Michael to six years. However, since 1975, James Kilgore has eluded authorities. Extra Notes: This case first aired on the July 12, 2002 episode of Unsolved Mysteries. Results: Captured. On November 8, 2002, after twenty-eight years on the run, James Kilgore was arrested while working at the University of Cape Town in South Africa. Since married with two children, he was extradited back to the United States to serve trial, pleaded guilty to second degree murder, recieving a six-year-sentence in prison. He is currently out on parole. Links:
* James Kilgore at Wikipedia