| - A Wind kami played by Griffin Simpson in The Five Moons of Japan.
* Pronounced: KAH-rah-soo
* "Crow" in Japanese You are the bitter “alternatively colored” Wind kami resident of Gaiden Shrine. Born 255 years ago with your sister Tengu when a storm caught two birds in an updraft and carried them into a cloud, you spent most of your early days flying through the sky together and watching the glowing green jewel that was Nippon glisten below you. Then Amaterasu disappeared 55 years later and daytime went away, taking that enchanting glow with it. The loss of that magical glow of the sun against the bursting life of Nippon was quite devastating to you and you may very well have Faded if it hadn’t been for Tengu discovering the newly formed White Moon 33 years later. Everyone there was fascinated by your wings, black instead of the usual white of a Wind kami, and you finally got to mingle with the life that you had so far only observed from above. You even got to help further the breeding of half-mortals. This newfound excitement didn’t last very long, unfortunately, and you soon found yourself wandering off again in despair just 12 years later, tailed by your sister. One day, about 120 years ago, she decided to go find some glowing green to cheer you up. You waited for 30 years and she never came back. Miserable and inches from Fading, you were saved by the appearance of a kindly Wind kami named Nozomi the Dove. She had also recently lost someone important to her, her first mate Zaku the Hawk, but she had still retained her nature of seeking out those in need. The two of you became very close friends and live at Gaiden Shrine when you’re not out flying, gazing the sparkling new blue-and-white jewel of Nippon’s bordering seas, flecked with moonlight. You are also sometimes referred to as “Nippon’s Search-and-Rescue Squad.” 12 years ago, you and Nozomi found an orphaned infant Red Moon mortal girl on an old battlefield and took her back to Gaiden Shrine. She grew up to be Miho, the shrine maiden who currently lives with the rogue kamis. Every now and then, you sit and wonder about whatever could have happened to Tengu…