| - The Smithing level at which the cost is equal is ; thus, using chitin is cheaper for level Smithing and lower, and using an armour stand is cheaper for level Smithing and higher. Together with the drygore mace and the drygore rapier, the drygore longsword is the strongest melee weapon to be found in-game in terms of damage per second, outside Daemonheim. Upon death from a PvP activity, drygore weaponry will completely degrade before being dropped.
- It can be repaired using 10,000 chitin scraps. Currently, the cost of a full repair using chitin scraps if purchased from the Grand Exchange would be . Alternative methods of repair are listed below. Together with the drygore mace and the drygore rapier, the drygore longsword is the second strongest melee weapon to be found in-game in terms of damage per second, outside Daemonheim. Upon death from a PvP activity, drygore weaponry will completely degrade before being dropped.