| - F-15E Strike Eagle is on patrol of course. Though it's less patrol and more idle aerial tricks over the swamp, though he /does/ seem to be searching for something amongst the rotting wastewater bellow. Every so often he dips closer to the grimy surface and pulls up. It's raining currently. YES RAINING because it can, and it's a decent downpour. GUESS WHAT?! NO GUESS! OKAY. Yeah. Blitzwing is also on patrol. COINCIDENCE?! Yes. But that does not mean that this WHAT SHALL TRANSPIRE HERE is any less EPIC. What is wrong with my caps lock? Blitzwing buzzes the swamplands, sending up a putrid rooster tail in his wake. The MiG slaloms between outcroppings, probably screaming by about forty Backfire clones that didn't have the balls to overthrow the Empire: Lazyfire, Derpyfire, Dumbfire, Annoyingfire, Starscreamfire, ad nauseum. "One of the few times I wish I could fly." Torque grumbles as she drives on through the muck and grime of the swamp to keep pace with Air Raid. Moving on foot would've been far too slow, so she makes the most of her four-wheel drive, engine revving hard and wipers constantly battling the spray of bogwater everytime she drives through a deep spot. <> GUESS WHAT?! NO GUESS! OKAY. YEAH. Backfire is following closely right behind Blitzwing, on patrol, COINCIDENCE?! Yes. But that doesn't mean he's expecting to be doused in a slime of putrid swamplands sent up in Blitzwing's wake. <> Backfire attempts to order him, then remembers he was stripped of rank when Overture used him like a pair of stilts during the 'Galvatron Jr' incident. <> the Seeker simpleton adds, staying on Blitzwing's tail.. trying his best to avoid the crap thrown up in his wake.