| - The only ship personally made by the Yanme'e, the Palamok-class Hive Ship was originally designed to transport whole colonies of Yanme'e to other planets for colonization. However, during the Necros War it was turned into a highly effective war vessel, as it was found that the Necros had difficulty boarding and taking control of the vessel due to its' odd layout – the Hive Ships lacked ordinary hallways, as many times they would go straight up or straight down, sometimes due to the fact that many Yanme'e were capable of flight, and the others were extremely good climbers; in addition to this odd, boarding preventative layout, the Hive Ship's thick hull made destruction by Necros warships difficult at times.
| - The only ship personally made by the Yanme'e, the Palamok-class Hive Ship was originally designed to transport whole colonies of Yanme'e to other planets for colonization. However, during the Necros War it was turned into a highly effective war vessel, as it was found that the Necros had difficulty boarding and taking control of the vessel due to its' odd layout – the Hive Ships lacked ordinary hallways, as many times they would go straight up or straight down, sometimes due to the fact that many Yanme'e were capable of flight, and the others were extremely good climbers; in addition to this odd, boarding preventative layout, the Hive Ship's thick hull made destruction by Necros warships difficult at times. Because of the Hive Ship's effectiveness at fighting the Necros fleets, many AUR armies used them to transport their troops; however, this at times meant compromises in the design of the ship to allow the non-Yanme'e troops to move about the ships, occasionally spelling disaster for the ship during a Necros boarding attempt, allowing them access in ways they had not had before.