| - Subtlety is understated. Need I say more? Okay, fine. The difference between stupid and intelligent people, as Neal Stephenson said, is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. Stupid people can barely handle a door, and those things have handles. Always pushing instead of pulling, pawing at the wrong side, then finally giving in and waiting for someone else to come along and open it for them. Can't they read File:FuckingClosed01.jpgthe sign? It's a nightmare! To be fair, stupid people are excellent at manhandling language. Panhandling, even. Handling subtlety, not so much.
| - Subtlety is understated. Need I say more? Okay, fine. The difference between stupid and intelligent people, as Neal Stephenson said, is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. Stupid people can barely handle a door, and those things have handles. Always pushing instead of pulling, pawing at the wrong side, then finally giving in and waiting for someone else to come along and open it for them. Can't they read File:FuckingClosed01.jpgthe sign? It's a nightmare! To be fair, stupid people are excellent at manhandling language. Panhandling, even. Handling subtlety, not so much. But many of life's finest experiences are steeped in nuanced perfection. The smell of your neighbor's panties hanging outside to dry on a summer afternoon, following a morning rain. A faint layer of sound on the outskirts of aural perception, newly discovered in a favorite song after your eighteenth bong rip. Or the slight trace of an Adam's Apple and tiny, non-functional penis taped back between a hooker's legs, noticed at the very moment of climax. Okay, you saw it before then, but you really wanted that orgasm. Ah... life's subtle moments. It is in these times of keen refinement, when the mind begins to lean toward the abstruse, a gentle undercurrent drawing it away from the shoreline of simplicity and into far deeper waters, that one must stop and cry out, "Fuck subtlety and throw me a goddamn life preserver! My mind can't swim!"